Preparation of Single Pulp Fibres for Dynamic Mechanical Analyses Using a Microrobotic Platform Trabzon, Steffen Baasner
Structure 1.Purpose of the STSM 2.Micro Robotic Platform and Preparation of Single Pulp Fibres at Technical University Tampere 3.Dynamic Mechanical Analyses at PTS Heidenau 4.First Results 2
Purpose of The Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) Paper Single Fibre Fibre Bonds -Preparation (STSM) -measurement 3
Micro Robotic Platform and Preparation of Single Fibres at Technical University Tampere Figure 1: microrobotic platform at TUT platform Side view camera Top view camera 4
Micro Robotic Platform and Preparation of Single Fibres at Technical University Tampere Steps 1.Disintegration of the fibres in an excess of water 2.Dropping the solution into a shuck of metal which is located on a rotary table (point 1, Figure 3) 3.Pulling the single fibre (point 3, Figure 3) out of solution with microgrippers (point 2, Figure 3) Figure 3: Pulling the single fibre out of solutionwith microgrippers Rotary table XY – table Microgrippers XYZ – Micropositioners Figure 2: function unities of the platform Saketi, Pooya et al. (2012), Journal of Microscopy, Vol. 248, page 167 5
Micro Robotic Platform and Preparation of Single Fibres at Technical University Tampere 4.Depositing the single fibre on a plate (Figure 4). 5.Glueing it on the device (UV curing resin) on one end (Figure 5). Overall 119 single fibres were prepared during the STSM. Figure 4: spring metal plateFigure 5: on one end glued fibre 6
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis at PTS Heidenau Figure 6: Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA) Applied load - tension or shear (sinusoidal ) - force N - frequency Hz - amplitude 5 nm..1.6 mm Environmental parameters - temperature (-150…500 °C) - relative humidity (10…90 %) at room temperature 7
Offset during DMA measurement (tensile load) Specimen 1. No offset ‚Buckling‘ / only half sinus wave/ no DMA measurement possbile „Auto-Offset“ static stretching = dynamic stretching · offset - factor Storage modulus Loss modulus Damping Result of Measurement: Calculation 3.Dynamic Mechanical Analysis at PTS Heidenau 2. Static stretching: No ‚Buckling‘/ Sinus-wave / Measurement possible 8
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis at PTS Heidenau Moisture chamber RH sensor air streaming module Sample holder Single fibre Tension membran Force and displacement sensor inside Figure 7: moisture chamber with sample holder inside Figure 8: sample holder with single fibre inside 9
First Results -result of meassuring five fibres -frequency sweep (2 x Hz) -Constant force 0,1N % RH 50 % RH 80 % RH E´ [Mpa]F [Hz]E´ [Mpa]F [Hz]E´ [Mpa]F [Hz] min max difference
Acknowledgement -Prof. Pasi Kallio and the Micro- and Nanosystems Research Group of the TU Tampere o Koroush Latifi o Pooya Saketi o Mathias von Essen -Advisers at PTS Heidenau o Dr. Stephan Daus o Jens Kretzschmar -COST FP 1105 action of the European Union 11
PTS Pulp Symposium 12
Thank you for your attention! 13