Abatement of VOC Load from Waste Water Treatment in Mechanical Pulping (LIFE09 ENV/FI/568) Peter Heath Meehanite Technology Ltd Peter Heath Communication Producer
This presentation introduces the aims, technologies, and expected outcomes of the project Introduction to the aims and organization of the project The conclusions, expected outcomes, and schedule of the project Introduction to the technologies used in the project
This presentation introduces the aims, technologies, and expected outcomes of the project Introduction to the aims and organization of the project Introduction to the technologies used in the project The conclusions, expected outcomes, and schedule of the project
VOCs from pulping processes react with nitrogen oxides (NOx), heat, and sunlight to form ground level ozone (O 3 ) Ground level ozone (O 3 ) NOx VOCs Heat Toxic Human health Eco-systems P/P/
Ozone is a major factor in the formation of smog that effects the health of millions of city inhabitants every day Los Angeles, California, USA
In 2007, the total production of wood pulp for paper making in Europe was 43 million tonnes (20% of world supply) Main Wood Pulp Grades (% of total European production) Sulphate Pulp Mechanical and Semi- Chemical Pulp Sulphite Pulp 62% 33% 5% European Commission
Pulping ProcessVOC Emissions (kg/t) Unit Kraft (sulphate) Pulping process Sulphite Pulping Process Mechanical Pulping Process 0.4 Softwood Kraft > 0.1 Hardwood Kraft 0.2Sulphite Pulp 1Mechanical Pulp The contribution of mechanical and semi-chemical pulping to total VOC emissions in Europe is significant European Commission
VOC emissions from the mechanical pulping process are the most significant air emission from pulping processes Pulping Process Non-methane VOC Emissions (% of European total) Kraft (sulphate) Pulping process Sulphite Pulping Process Mechanical Pulping Process 0.22% 0.42% 2-3% ( estimated) European Commission 2000
The emission of organic substances occurs in different concentrations during each stage of the pulping process Pulping Process Stage Emissions of Organic Substances (mgC/m ) 3 Sparkling washer European Commission Debarking 50 Reject treatment 600 Washing of woodchips 300 Evacuation of air from 150 other chests Effluents 3-30
The project will be a continuation of earlier work carried out in the VOCless pulping –Life Project (Life 06 ENV/FIN000201) Total TMP Plant Emissions = t/a Total TMP Plant Effluents = t/a (estimated)
Exhaust air (after pre-sedimentation) Bioreactor treatment Emissions (Maxau, Germany Anjalankoski, Finland) Aeration basin emissions (Anjalankoski, Finland) Exhaling emissions of anaerobic treatment (Maxau, Germany) The main VOC emission sources of a waste water treatment plant will be piloted by applied abatement systems
Meehanite will act as beneficiary and coordinator between The Commission and the project partners
This presentation introduces the aims, technologies, and expected outcomes of the project Introduction to the aims and organization of the project Introduction to the technologies used in the project The conclusions, expected outcomes, and schedule of the project
In the project, VOC abatement technologies will be tested and developed at pilot pulp mills in Finland and Germany Anjalankoski Pulp mill pilot project,Finland summer 2011 Maxau pulp mill pilot project, Germany summer 2012 Catalytic incineration Catalytic incineration Biofiltration Condensation UV-filtration Piloted VOC abatement technologies Recovery Biological processes Biological processes Incineration Emerging Technologies Emerging Technologies
A Smart VOC TB 04 Regenerative Catalytic Oxidizer (RCO) will be tested in the abatement of VOC emissions Fan sucks process gas through particulate filter to the reactor Process controlled by Beckoff control unit Thermal energy recovered from gas stream VOCs are oxidized in catalysator Gas is pre-heated in the heat exchanger Gas flow conducted to stack Catalytic incineration Catalytic incineration
The cleaning efficiency the Smart VOC TB oxidizer will be approximately 90-95% Formia Smart VOC TB oxidizer
A biofilter will be tested in aerobic and anaerobic waste water treatment plants The decomposition of the pollutants is handled by micro-organisms settled on a solid carrier substance ( chopped wood, wood bark, compost) Filter material Filter module Fan Scrubber/ humidifier Aeration air Exhaling air Recirculation pump Pressure chamber Exhaust air Biofiltration
A UV-filter will also be tested in aerobic and anaerobic waste water treatment plants Special honey comb creates laminar airflow and increases UV-light efficiency VOC abatement efficiency is approximately 90% UV- filtration
This presentation introduces the aims, technologies, and expected outcomes of the project Introduction to the aims and organization of the project The conclusions, expected outcomes, and schedule of the project Introduction to the technologies used in the project
The mass balances and VOC load of the waste water treatment plants will be analyzed, summarized and reported Analysis of VOC emissions from all waste water treatment unit processes Process parameters and VOC emissions concluded as function Performance of all three cleaning systems reported Reported findings serve as guide to system selection and design
There will be three main outcomes of the project Measurement of VOC effluents and VOC Balance at Anjalankoski Pulp mill (xx kg/product ton = VOC load) Combination of previous Life project results with this Life project resulting in total VOC balance in mechanical pulping Conclusion report: “Abatement of VOC Load from Waste Water Treatment in Mechanical Pulping”
The report will outline the occurrence and dissipation of VOC compounds in each stage of waste water treatment
The report will present calculations of the cost efficiency of the piloted technologies in waste water VOC abatement Regenerative Catalytic Oxidizer (RCO) Biofilter UV filter
The project began in 2010 and is scheduled to be completed in 2013
In conclusion, the VOC control technologies will reduce waste water treatment plant VOC emissions by 90-95% Stora Enso Anjalankoski pulp mill VOC waste water effluents reduced by 0.4 kg VOC/t pulp The result will be a 150 ton reduction in the annual 400 ton VOC emissions of the Anjalankoski mill
This presentation introduced the aims, technologies, and expected outcomes of the project Introduction to the aims and organization of the project Introduction to the technologies used in the project The conclusions, expected outcomes, and schedule of the project Questions?