1 Project: Promoting Energy conservation in Small and medium scale enterprises in Vietnam Results and lessons learnt MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY GEF- UNDP NGUYEN BA VINH PR OJECT MANAGER Sub-regional Workshop for GEF Focal Points in Asia Hanoi, Vietnam, March 2010
2 Results and lessons learnt in PECSME implementation Content: 1. Introduction of PECSME 2. Results of project implementation 3. Lessons learnt
3 1. Introduction of PECSME Project name: “Promoting Energy Conservation in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises” (PECSME) Implementing duration: 2006 – 2010 (5 years) Total Fund: USD 28,7 million, including: Globe Environment Facility (GEF) funds: USD 5.5 million Local and state sectors: USD 3.7 million Business sector (Banks and Enterprises): USD 19.1 million o Implementing agency: UNDP VN o Implementing Partner: Ministry of Science and Technology - VN
4 Project objectives: Remove barriers to application of energy management systems and EC and EE Technologies => Reduction of GHG emission 500 projects need to be implemented TOE need to be saved 537 thousand tons of CO2 need to be reduced for the period oBeneficiaries: Small and medium scale enterprises in 5 sectors: brick, ceramics, textiles, paper& pulp and food processing. 1. Introduction of PECSME
Program components ( 6 ) o EC & EE policies and institutional support program o EC&EE communication and awareness program EC & EE technical capacity building program EC & EE services development program EC&EE Financial support program EC&EE Demonstration and replication program
2. Remarkable results of project for the period /2010 Support to develop the system of legal documents for energy conservation promotion: Energy conservation law is under procedure for approval by National Assembly Support Policies on energy conservation have been issued in more than 11 provinces. System of agencies/organizations associated activities in PECSME was set up. Improve awareness on EC & EE for SMEs, trade villages and energy efficiency service providers (EESPs);
2. Remarkable results of project for the period /2010 o The staff of 25 EESPs trained on energy audit and EC project consultancy provision; provide training for more than 1,000 SMEs on EC technology operation; The Loan Guarantee Fund (LGF) (total capital of US$ 1.7 million) has been effectively operated, guaranteed for 42 SMEs with total value of 27.3 billion of Vietnames Dong 400 projects have been implemented, 120 projects are being implemented => savings of 165,000 TOE, reduction of 643,000 ton CO2. Formation of energy conservation market: involvement of SMEs, EESPs, bank/credit institutions, the government (issued policies and institutional support).
8 2. Remarkable results of project for the period /2010 Number of Projects implemented and on-going by industrial sector Total Projects BrickCeramics Food processing Textiles Paper and pulp
9 2. Remarkable results of project for the period /2010 Result of Energy savings and CO2 emission reductions from implemented projects Number of project have been implemented Energy saving (TOE)CO2 emission reduction (ton) Total until 12/2010 An Average project per year Total until 12/2010 An average project per year , ,0001,608
Results for loans and loan guarantees Number of project Total investment (VND million ) Loan (VND million) Guarantee commitments (VND million) TotalAn Average project per year TotalAn average project TotalAn average project 4274,0001,66837, , Total fund of LGF is USD 1.7 million x 18,000 VND/ 1 USD => Total capital of Loan Guarantee Fund is 30 billion Vietnamese dong. 2. Remarkable results of project implementation for the period March/2010
2. Remarkable results of project for the period /2010 SectorImplemented EC solution Average investment level (VND million) Payback period (years) Rate of investment on turnover Energy cost savings ratio (Achieved) Rate of energy cost savings (potential) 1. BrickReplace traditional kilns that burning brick by wood and coal to vertical shaft brick kiln (VSBK) 3, ,0003 – 488%30-60%
2. Remarkable results of project for the period /2010 SectorImplemented EC solution Average investment level (VND million) Payback period (years) Rate of investment on turnover (%) Energy cost savings ratio (Achieved) Rate of energy cost savings (potential) 2.CeremicsReplace traditional kilns that burning and drying ceramic products by coal to LPG kilns and heat recovery chamber for drying 500 – 1,0003 – 475%20-30%15-40%
13 2. Remarkable results of project for the period /2010 Sector Implemented EC solutionAverage investme nt level (VND million) Payback period (years) Energy cost savings ratio (Achieved) Rate of energy cost savings (potential) 3. Textiles Energy management; Improvement of lighting systems; Insulation of heating pipes and valves; Condensate recovery; Installation of VSD; Replacement of old motors with new high efficiency motors; Improvement of boiler operation; Overhaul of cooling machines; application of cooling accumulation at off- peak hours… %15-25% 4. Food processing 2086%15-25% 5. Paper and Pulp 66412%15-25%
2. Remarkable results of project for the period /2010 Impacts by PECSME: Contribution to hunger eliminate and poverty reduction: create jobs for: 10,000 jobs with labour income from 1.5 to 2.5 VND million per month. Reduce environment pollution: 643,000 ton of CO2 emission has been reduced by 50% coal consumption level decrease from application of VSBK technology, replace traditional kilns burning with woods and coals... By LPG kiln in ceramic sector Contribution to energy security: 156,000 TOE saved. Facilitate the energy conservation market transformation that including different stockholder's involvement: Energy Efficiency service providers (EESPs), financial providers, SMEs, EC & EE technology providers, government organizations.
3. Lessons learnt 1. Project objectives, activities have met the essential needs of SMEs so they have actively participated in Reduce production costs, increase productivity and product quality, enhance competitiveness. Loans and loan guarantee implementation of project. 2. Technological innovation to save energy is of decisive significance for SMEs to improve their productivity, product quality, increasing competitiveness 3. Policies, institutions on EC & EE should been preceded to create favourable environment for SMEs to project implementation
3. Lessons learnt 4. Local governments in participating provinces has played an important role in assisting EC&EE project implementation in their areas Issue local supporting policies and initiatives EC&EE institutional development 5. Energy service providers - the bridge for SMEs to get EC technology – should get more support for it’s development. Enhance EESPs capacity in the provision of turn key consultancy service for SMEs Turnkey Technology transfer by implementing Energy performance contract (EPC) Loans support and loans guarantee.
Ceramic kiln of 26 m3 at Chu Đậu
The first batch of a ceramic production household at Bat Trang
Project Evaluation Team of the Government and UNDP at Bat Trang
Brick kiln with 3 burning chambers at Hai Duong 3
Demonstration at Binh Duong province
Demonstration at Binh Duong Province
Signing ceremony of MOU on Loan Guarantee Fund Management
Brick shape creating assembly at Demonstration at Binh Duong province
Project Management Unit “Promoting Energy Conservation in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Viet Nam” Ministry of Science and Technology Address: 65 B Tô Hiến Thành street, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi Telephone: (84-4) Fax: (84-4) Website: www. ecsme.com.vn