Careers and Opportunities in the Resource Sec tor.


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Presentation transcript:

Careers and Opportunities in the Resource Sec tor

Overview Our history What we do Resource sector in BC Labour market context Careers and high demand occupations Apprenticeship context Partnerships Resources

Our History RTO Industry Training Organization Oct 31, 2014 Responsible for management of the trades training programs in the BC’s resource sector Represents mining, oil and gas, forestry, pulp and paper, shipbuilding, and utilities sectors SkillSource Industry led, non-for-profit organization – Nov 1, 2014 Sponsors apprentices and delivers apprenticeship support services/programs to sector employers Increases access to trades training and employment for British Columbians

Who We Are Non-for-profit industry led organization Mission – to develop a highly skilled and productive workforce to meet the needs of the BC resource sector Goals – train and certify 300 new tradespersons and have 600 active apprentices in process by 2017 Partners – industry, training providers, government, employment and community organizations Clients – employers in all resource industry sectors that utilize skilled trades for infrastructure development, maintenance and operations, apprentices, and regulatory bodies

What We Do Services Group Training Advanced Entry Apprenticeship Alternative Sponsorship Models Screening and Recruitment Prior Learning Assessment Employer and Apprentice Supports Assessment Trades Specific Assessment Gap Training Assessment Tools and Practices Assessor Training IMTARC Government Services Labour Market Partnerships Trades Training and Employment Strategies Trades Employment Programming and Partnerships Workforce Development Consulting Competency Frameworks Performance Management Training Needs Skills Profiles Customized Programs

Resource Sector in B.C. Mining and Mineral Exploration and Stone, Sand and Gravel Oil and Gas Extraction (incl. LNG) Forestry Pulp and Paper Solid Wood Ship Building and Repair Utilities

Labour Market Context  Local and global competition for skilled workers K -12 grads   Economic activity in BC’s resource sector  Retirement

High Demand Occupations

Natural Gas Industry Overview

Natural Gas Industry Occupations

Natural Gas Operations

Natural Gas Construction


Mineral Exploration 0T6rTxvc

Hiring Requirements

Top 5 Occupations

Shipbuilding and Repair Rapid growth in labour demand Trades and technical personnel shortage Demographic and labour supply pressures The “war” for talent

SB&R Workforce

SB&R Employment Projections

Shipbuilding and Repair

Pulp and Paper In 2014 the sector is now characterized by an older workforce with 35% over the age of 55. Employers report that due to retirements and staff turnover (particularly in the North), there will be significant hiring requirements (est 8% of the workforce per year). HR managers have identified several occupations are difficult to fill, and project that these occupations will become ever increasingly difficult to fill given limited apprenticeship positions. (Malatest Labour Market Report,2014 )

Pulp and Paper

Pulp and Paper Labour Demand


Solid Wood

Workforce Challenges Aging workforces Small rural populations and labour forces Negative images of the industries and their careers; Infrastructure and services for workers and families; Difficulties in attracting new Canadian Capacity and flexibility among training providers Coordination among service providers Competition for talent locally and internationally The challenge of addressing the unique needs of specific labour force groups (Aboriginal people, women, persons with disabilities, at ‐ risk youth, immigrants, older workers) A lack of innovation and quick response in BC’s traditional apprenticeship training models

Apprenticeship Challenges 1.Finding a sponsor 2.Passing exams 3.Financial hardships 4.Knowledge of the BC apprenticeship system 5.Sponsor responsibilities 6.Math and essential skills 7.Employer incentives to train apprentices 8.Applicability of technical training 9.Access to technical training 10.Apprentice incentives to complete Source: ITA Apprentice and sponsor supports consultation summary. June 2013

Barrier 1.High demand for apprentices but limited employer capacity to sponsor apprentices 2.Business cycles and low commitment to a 4-year appr term 3.Apprentice basic and essential skills and industry specific skills 4.Employer and apprentice incentives to complete apprenticeship 5.Access to trades training (classroom and on-the-job) 6.Workplace and training environment 7.Apprenticeship costs for apprentices and employers Solution 1.Sector wide Group Training programs, pool of qualified candidates 2.Employer and apprentice rotation programs 3.Industry specific skills assessment, gaps analysis and training 4.Training plans, grants and tax support, apprenticeship networks 5.Flexible gap training delivery through PSI partnerships 6.Customized mentorship and coaching programs 7.Cost reduction through Skill Source integrated services

Goal –Deliver alternative sponsorship solutions to employers –Provide more flexibility to the apprenticeship system –Align labour market demand and supply Services –Pre-screening, selection and recruitment as per industry standards and employer requirements –Apprentice rotation and placement services in the event of layoffs –Availability of skilled trades workers for high volume projects –Employer networks by trade/by work-based training Group Training

Advanced Entry Trades Training Goal –Increase apprenticeship enrolment and completion rates –Engage diverse and underserved workforces –Reduce the completion time for training and trades certification Services –Assessment of trades competencies that have already been acquired by workers (PLAR) –Gap training and work placement –Apprentice and employer supports Supports the existing BC apprenticeship policy framework

Partnerships EPBC and SkillsConnect EPBC Skills Connect EPBC Skills Connect Trades specific assessment Gap analysis and targeted front end training Sponsorship and employment Skill Source Client interventions Skill Source Client interventions

Partnerships Post-Secondary Institutions Skill Source SponsorshipGap training PSI Level training Challenge – exam preparation


Thank you Questions and Comments Victoria Pazukha –