Old Yeller By : Tori Crownover
Author Biography Fred Gipson was born on February 7, 1908 in Mason County,Texas. In 1940,he was married. He became a reporter for San Angelo Standard- Times. Fred Gipson wrote for many national publications and published nine or more book. Disney Studios made three of his books into movies. In his early days he wrote for many pulp western magazines. Besides Old Yeller, Hound Dog Man, The Home Place, The Recollection Creek is probably his best known work. Fredrick Benjamin Gipson died August 17,1973 in Mason,Texas. He has a room devoted to himself in the Mason County, Texas.
Setting It was in the late 1860’s post of the Civil War. The booked was back in the country.Birdsong Creek exact in the Salt Licks.
Characters Old Yeller is a energetic, fun, and tough dog. Travis is a smart, tough, hardworking person. Arliss is a sneaky, liar, catching person. Mama is a hard working, smart, and well mannered person. Papa is a kind, hard working, determined. Burn Sanderson is a respectful and kind person.
Characters Bud Searcy is a lazy, nice, wise person. Lisbeth is a sweet, smart, and hard working person.
Author’s Purpose I think the author’s purpose is to entertain everybody about a “yeller” dog named “Old Yeller.”
Theme The first theme is loss of innocence. Travis is growing up. He becoming a man. The next one is life choice. Everybody has to make life choices. To live you got to make life choices.
Compare /Contrast I am going to compare and contrast Arliss and Travis. Travis and Arliss are the same because they both like Old Yeller. They are different because Travis has to be like the dad. The man of the house. Arliss is the child of the house.
Sequence Travis ‘s father leaves for the cattle drive to make money. Old Yeller is found after he had ate the venison. Travis goes out to hunt. Two bulls go to Travis ‘s house and they begin to fight. Old Yeller and Arliss catch a fish and then tells a windy.
Sequence Travis takes Old Yeller and Arliss squirrel hunting. Travis brings Old Yeller inside. So, he would stop prowling. Burn Sanderson shows up to take Old Yeller. Old Yeller and Travis go and mark the hogs. Old Yeller and Travis are hurt by the hogs. Travis, Mama, and Arliss go back to get Old Yeller.
Sequence Lisbeth brings Travis a speckled pup. Travis has to shoot Spot the heifer. Mama and Lisbeth burn the roan bull. Travis has to shoot the loafer wolf and old yeller. Papa comes home from the cattle drive.
Summary Old Yeller is about a yeller dog named “ Old Yeller", a boy named Travis, a dad, a brother named Arliss, and a mother. In the story things go up and then down hill. In the story there is some bad times and some good times. I thought it was hilarious when it talked about Arliss being nude. In some parts I was crying like when Travis had to shoot Old Yeller and the loafer wolf.