American Society and the Great Depression
Otis Steel Company, Cleveland, 1928
City worker hands out sandwiches to unemployed, Cleveland, 1930
Unemployed demand work outside City Hall, Cleveland, 1930
Popular early 1930s Pulp Fiction
Gilded Age Horatio Alger novels
Popular early 1930s Pulp Fiction
Pulp fiction artist John Newton Howitt, “River of Pain,” 1933
Men lined up outside employment offices, Cincinnati, 1933
Bread line
Mexican Americans wait to leave Los Angeles to head back to Mexico, 1932
Homeless migrant family saying grace Oklahoma
Christmas dinner, ca. 1935
“Blame Game,” Life, 1932
President Herbert Hoover (R), el. 1929
Outside homeless encampment, 1932
“Hooverville” shantytown outside Seattle, Washington
“Hooverville” in Central Park, New York City
California refugee camp, ca. 1937