India Habitat Centre New Delhi International Conference on Clean Ganga Mission: Opportunities & Challenges Dr Vinod Tare IIT Kanpur International Conference on Clean Ganga Mission: Opportunities & Challenges India Habitat Centre, New Delhi December 12, 2014 Pollution in River Ganga: Issues and Challenges Realizing Vision of Mission Nirmal Dhara or Mission Un-Polluted Flow
India Habitat Centre New Delhi International Conference on Clean Ganga Mission: Opportunities & Challenges Dr Vinod Tare IIT Kanpur Ganga River Basin Management Plan
Substantive Objective of Namami Gange & GRBMP The restoration of ‘wholesomeness’ of all rivers of the Ganga River Basin ‘Wholesomeness’ in this context shall mean the ensuring of the sanctity of the river system as imbibed in the following points the above objective must be achieved notwithstanding any pressures, including those arising from population growth, urbanization, industrial and agricultural activities in the Ganga River Basin “Aviral Dhara” (meaning “Continuous Flow”) “Nirmal Dhara” (meaning “Unpolluted Flow”): Geologic Entity Ecological Entity
Industrialization Urbanization Agriculture & Rural Activities Deforestation/ Denudation Pollution Overload Water Under- Replenishment Water Overuse River Mutilation Geologic Disruption River Basin or Watershed Lifestyle Changes Issues and Concerns of the NRGB Environment Five Major Types of Degradation Factors Major Human Activities Affecting the Aquatic Environment of NRGB
India Habitat Centre New Delhi International Conference on Clean Ganga Mission: Opportunities & Challenges Dr Vinod Tare IIT Kanpur What are we targeting? Environmental Flows to be maintained in all rivers and tributaries of Ganga River System to fulfill their geological, ecological, socio- economic and cultural functions. Water quality in all rivers and tributaries of Ganga River System to be consistent with their governing geological, ecological, socio-economic and cultural functions. Water and other aquatic resources of the Ganga River System to be used judiciously to enable sustainable development in the entire NRGB. All existing, ongoing and planned anthropogenic activities in NRGB to be reviewed or scrutinized in a transparent and inclusive manner (with broad consensus of all affected people and stakeholders) for the overall health of NRGB.
VISION Aviral Dhara Nirmal Dhara Ecological Restoration Geological Safeguarding Basin Protection Against Disasters Sustainable Agriculture MISSIONS Geologic Entity Nirmal Dhara Aviral Dhara Ecological Entity Vision and Implementation River Hazards Management Environmental Knowledge- Building and Sensitization
India Habitat Centre New Delhi International Conference on Clean Ganga Mission: Opportunities & Challenges Dr Vinod Tare IIT Kanpur Sustained Growth Zero Defect and Zero Effect Goals
India Habitat Centre New Delhi International Conference on Clean Ganga Mission: Opportunities & Challenges Dr Vinod Tare IIT Kanpur Paradigm Shift Sewage and Industrial Effluents are important sources of water to be thrown into the nallah’s and rivers Long distance conveyance and pumping costs are high and should move towards Decentralized Approach High Level of Treatment or Reuse/Recycle or ZLD Valuation of Water and Water Pricing
Wastes Point Non Point Solid (non-point) Liquid Domestic Agriculture (non-point) Industrial CitiesVillages Small Drains Open Defecation Old New Sewage Collection Treatment Tanneries Pulp & Paper Sugar & Distillery Textile
India Habitat Centre New Delhi International Conference on Clean Ganga Mission: Opportunities & Challenges Dr Vinod Tare IIT Kanpur Water Quality Issues Much less dry weather (October through June) flows Sewage and Industrial wastes much higher than the dry weather flows in almost all tributaries Almost all municipalities and industries violate existing Effluent Discharge Norms (particularly of TDS) Higher degree of treatment required for both sewage and industrial wastes Over allocation of water and how to save water for ecological needs of rivers
India Habitat Centre New Delhi International Conference on Clean Ganga Mission: Opportunities & Challenges Dr Vinod Tare IIT Kanpur Sewage and Industrial Effluents: Estimates Sewage: 12,000 MLD Industrial Effluents: 3000 MLD Investment on STPs : INR 120 Billion (US$ 20b) Investment on ETPs: INR 300 Billion (US$ 50 b) Industrial Tanneries Pulp & Paper Sugar & Distillery Textile
India Habitat Centre New Delhi International Conference on Clean Ganga Mission: Opportunities & Challenges Dr Vinod Tare IIT Kanpur Major Industrial Effluents Mixture of Salt ( %), Sugar ( %) and Water (≈90 to 99+ %) with some toxic organics and inorganics Efforts and Costs in separation Share of Capital Investment in Tariff is much less but Capital Investments are high and need to be supported CETPs to Cluster of ETPs Water Producing Industries SPVs Professional Service Providers Business Partnership with Government Care
India Habitat Centre New Delhi International Conference on Clean Ganga Mission: Opportunities & Challenges Dr Vinod Tare IIT Kanpur Sewage and Industrial Effluents: Strategy and Consequences Reuse and Recycle and move toward ZLD Internalize Environmental Costs Value and Pricing of water to be much higher than cost of recycling industrial effluents Marginal reduction in profits, partially pass on cost to the consumers (polluter pays principle) Soft loans for ETPs and CETPs Enable sustained industrial growth
India Habitat Centre New Delhi International Conference on Clean Ganga Mission: Opportunities & Challenges Dr Vinod Tare IIT Kanpur Water is an Important Resource/ Raw Material Environmental Good Governance and Not Anti-pollution Drive through Policing Realization
India Habitat Centre New Delhi International Conference on Clean Ganga Mission: Opportunities & Challenges Dr Vinod Tare IIT Kanpur Implementation Challenge Media River Conservation & Development: Conflicting or Synergistic De-aligned Interests Coordination! Confused Aam Admi! Actors and their Interests
India Habitat Centre New Delhi International Conference on Clean Ganga Mission: Opportunities & Challenges Dr Vinod Tare IIT Kanpur Thank You !