Rivkah Nissim Manager, Discrimination and Research 12 September 2014 National Anti-Racism Strategy: local government and social cohesion project
National Anti-Racism Strategy Objectives o create awareness of racism and how it affects individuals and the broader community o identify, promote and build on good practice initiatives to prevent and reduce racism o empower communities and individuals to take action to prevent and reduce racism and to seek redress when it occurs
National Anti-Racism Strategy Priority areas reflect key settings for action (VicHealth 2009): o education o workplaces o sport o government service delivery o media o online o plus: public awareness, youth engagement, development of education resources, research and evaluation
Racism It Stops with Me Aims to: o ensure more Australians recognise that racism is unacceptable in our community o create tools and resources to take practical action against racism o empower individuals and organisations to prevent and respond effectively to racism
Local government engagement
Social cohesion – what works?
practical and accessible prevent and respond to racism and inter-community conflict focus on partnerships and community governance Good practice principles and case studies youth engagement and leadership adaptability to different communities and contexts A resource for local government
Where to from here…. Desktop review – October 2014 Final resource – June 2015 Launch events – from September