Ethnicity, Racism and stereotypes
Stereotypical images?
Representation of ethnic minorities Minority ethnics are greatly under-represented in the media There are few people of colour in top media positions and few programmes are aimed at minority ethnics The GUMG has shown how news and current affairs programmes are essentially nationalistic Developing countries are presented as problems so that disasters such as war or famine are associated with them
From a Marxist point of view, such portrayals reinforce the capitalist system by showing the superiority of white, western culture Until recent years, blacks have been portrayed as servants, figures of fun or slaves Hartman and Husband argue that the media still operates within a culture that sees foreigners, especially blacks as inferior When black people are positively represented this is seen as “tokenism”
Negative portrayals Van Djilks (1991) studied the inner city riots of the 1980s And showed how the tabloid press focused on a racial and criminal explanation of the riots However many young white people were involved The Sun dismissed Sociological explanations of the riots as “making excuses for criminals” Van Djilks analysed the meanings and ideology behind these portrayals
He says the British media constantly flatters its readers with statements like “The British are a kind and tolerant people” always followed by the racist “but” Then minority ethnics are accused of abusing our hospitality Being social security scroungers, bogus asylum seekers and terrorist sympathisers
Supporting Research Look at the review of the work of Stuart Hall (page 193 in the text book) What role did the media play here? How does this link with portrayal of “the other”? Which perspective does Hall come from? Take notes on the work of Back (2002)
Appreciation of Black culture Appreciation of black culture has grown There are now major figures in music, the Arts and the media in general There are more programmes specifically for minority ethnics More importantly there has been a crossover of ethnic minority culture into mainstream media Programmes such as the Kumars at no 42 are appealing to White and Asian viewers This demonstrates a more multi cultural media in the 21 st century
Research Abercrombie(1996) argues that these positive changes are most apparent in soap operas Minority ethnics are now depicted in far less stereotypical ways than in the past, As ordinary people rather than exotic or dangerous others However Reid found that black women were heavily critical of The Cosby Show Because its depiction of black family life was idealised and unrealistic
Sociological Approaches Functionalists would argue that media presentations of ethnic minorities reflect their position in society These depictions change to reflect the integration of ethnic minorities into mainstream culture Examples would be the positive portrayal of successful Asian businessmen or Black medical professionals Marxists and Neo-Marxists see things very differently They emphasise how the media uses racism to promote the interests of the powerful Moral panics about immigrants and asylum seekers help to divide the working class on racial grounds and produce false consciousness The blame for social problems such as unemployment and crime is focused on minority ethnics rather than the real causes – capitalism and the injustices it causes