Immigration, Racism, and the KKK in the 1920s
Immigration between 1919 and 1931, 1.2 million immigrants arrived in Canada this only accounted for ________ of the total population growth the ___________ in the number of immigrants was due to the increased provisions by the _____________, as well as the fact that many people in war torn Europe did not have the means to ____________ the Canadian government had a preference for potential ___________________________ ___________________________ __________________________
_____________ Settlement Act was passed in ___________ this act provided assisted __________________________ for married couples, single agricultural laborers, and domestic servants ___________ immigrants were assisted under this act
Immigration in 1923, Canada opened its doors to ________ subjects, ____________, and citizens of “__________”, this included: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, and France for all of the 1920s there was an “______________” which prohibited the admittance of “any immigrant of any ________ race” into Canada
Racism in the 1920s, all British subjects had the right to vote discrimination for “________________” was allowed
Social Darwinism _____________ Canadians began to believe that the ______ _________ peoples and British principles of government were the key to Canada’s __________ _________ began depend on a persons ability to conform to the ‘Canadian’ ___________, as well as their ___________
Aboriginal Peoples _______________ were taken from their homes in order to be education in ____________ which were run by the _________ or by a ___________ organization anything connected to ________________ or __________ was excluded from school life there was an effort to ______________ the younger generation into mainstream Canadian life
Aboriginal Peoples Natives living on _________ were __________ allowed to ______, lost their right to have ___________ forms of native _____________ some groups banded together to defend their land and _________ and _______________ there was a significant ________ of native peoples rights and __________
Klu Klux Klan
KKK in late _____ Klan organizers came to _______________ to preach its message of _____________________ hatred and to sell expensive ________________ to fund its activities By the fall of __________ local Klans had been established in over ____ Saskatchewan towns, usually _________________ by a ritual burning of crosses
KKK leaders claimed an overall membership of over _________, who had been attracted by the Klan’s attacks on the “___________” immigrants from _______ and __________ Europe local _______ remained active until the worst of the ___________ struck the province