Life Chances Households that are headed by someone from an ethnic minority are more likely to have less income. Ethic minority groups are more likely to live in poor quality housing where over crowding and problems such as damp can affect peoples health. Bangladeshi and Black African were most likely to live is social rented housing (council housing). Ethnic minority groups have greater risk of poverty then whites. Ethic minority groups are more likely to have unskilled or semi skilled jobs then whites. Chinese and Indian men are most likely to have professional or managerial jobs. Pakistani and Bangladeshi have the highest unemployment in the UK and they are three times more likely then whites to fall below the poverty line. Black Caribbean's, Pakistani and Bangladeshi groups are least likely to be in the highest socio-economic group. Unemployment rates were 21% of Bangladeshis and16% of Pakistanis compared with the 4% of the white population. In 2002, only 10% of Pakistani/Bangladeshi households had all adults in paid employment compared to 57% of white households.
Modood- found that Black Caribbean boys are the group that are most likely to be excluded from school and are the lowest achievers. Chinese and Indian pupils are the least likely to be excluded and are the highest achievers. Flaherty et al- minority ethnic groups can end up in poverty as a result of difficulties with the benefits system. They also face direct and indirect discrimination for example there’s a failure to provide translation facilities. Pete Alcock- social exclusion is often as much as a problem for minority ethnic groups as material deprivation. It can involve lack of access to good quality housing, unequal access to healthcare and social services and educational facilities. He also says that racial harassment may produce a sense of isolation and fear, which can add to the social exclusion caused by inequalities.
Functionalism Sheila Patterson- racism and disadvantage are only temporary as the immigrants take on the values of the society. They have been criticised for assuming that integration is inevitable and ignores the obstacles of racism and class conflict.
Marxism Castles and Kosack- capitalism benefits from having the working class divided by ethnic inequality because it makes the proletariat class easy rule over. Ethnic differences distract the working class from the real cause of their problems. For example, ethnic minorities are blamed for unemployment and housing shortages. Ethnic division also creates relatively cheap labour.
Weberianism John Rex- the underclass have the lowest social status and are cut off from the rest of the working class. This describes Britain’s ethnic minorities. Rex and Tomlinson- In the primary labour market workers have secure jobs, good wages, opportunities and high status. In the secondary labour market jobs are less secure, have low wages, fewer opportunities and are not valued by employers. People from ethnic minorities are more likely to be in the secondary labour market.