Does Every Traveller Child Really Matter? Presentation: Lucy Beckett, Head of Service, Oxfordshire Traveller Education Service - Advisory Service for the Education of Travellers (ASET)
People may assert their specific identities as: Romay Gypsy (Welsh, English) Traveller (Irish, Scottish) Fairground or Show People Circus families Travellers who live on the waterways New Travellers Roma
The Every Child Matters (ECM) Agenda Improving outcomes for Traveller children and their families Targeted and specialist support for Traveller children, young people and their families, with emphasis on prevention and early years intervention Increasing capacity of all partners to improve outcomes for Traveller children, young people and their families through continued professional development Working srategically with all partners in order to ensure access to universal services for Traveller children, young people and their families A key function is to support schools and other organisations to access knowledge and understanding of Traveller cultures
Partnership with Early Years Practioners and Providers ASET has established an etensive range of contacts with early years of providers and practioners. These contacts range from informal advice and INSET with individual members of staff; formal INSET with whole staff and/or governers Loans of ASET resources relating to the culture and lifestyles of Travellers The facilitating of interaction between providers and Traveller parents Providing direct support to individuals or groups of children
Travellers and Secondary School ASET supports Traveller pupils throughout their time at secondary school and provide a pastoral link to families
Romani “Rakh andre tyrio gindimata ojiviben kai tu ker keres les. Tutrubul te keres les sar jivibenkai tu manages les t’avel.” “Keep in mind always the present you are constructing. It should be the future you want.” From: Walker, A (1989) The Temple of My Familiar Countering racism, is a process, it must be strategic, planned for and effective. Commitment is the key!