Policy Forum on the Roma situation in Europe Institute for European Studies Brussels, 26 November 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Policy Forum on the Roma situation in Europe Institute for European Studies Brussels, 26 November 2010

Outline What is ENAR? ENAR involvement for Roma inclusion Current policy development at the European level ERPC recommendations for Essential Elements of the “EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies”

The ENAR network More than 700 members Network of NGOs working to combat racism in all 27 EU member states + Croatia

Vision ENAR believes in a Europe without racism A coordinated cooperation of NGOs contributes significantly to the fight against ethnic and religious discrimination in Europe Mission Redress the negative consequences of discrimination based on colour, ethnicity, national origin, religion or culture Promote diversity and create the conditions for equal participation in a community characterised by a plurality of values Ensure that anti-racism and anti-discrimination are mainstreamed across all sectors of EU public policy

Monitoring and raising awareness on the situation of Roma affected by racism and discrimination in Europe:  Annual Shadow reports on the situation of racism in Europe  Upcoming Racist violence in Europe publication  Factsheets, ENARgy, weekly mail.... Active participation in the European Roma Policy Coalition  AI, ERRC, ERIO, OSI, ENAR, MRGI, ERGO, Policy Center for Roma and Minorities, the Roma Education Fund, and FSG. Advocacy and lobbying at EU level for targeted Roma inclusion policies and mainstreaming  Policy papers  Statements/press release  Participation in Roma Summits and European Roma inclusion Platform, etc. ENAR engagement for Roma inclusion

ENAR coordinated actions to protest against France's xenophobic policies: 4-6 September 2010 Protest letters, petitions, and/or demonstrations in front of the French Embassies organised by ENAR members in: Croatia Cyprus France Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Poland Portugal Romania Spain United Kingdom

Current policy framework at EU level 2000: Adoption of the Race Equality Directive (2000/43/EC) and Employment Equality Directive (2000/78/EC) High on the political Agenda:  Since 2007: series of European Council and EPSCO Council Conclusions on the issue  Integrated European Platform for Roma Inclusion  2 Roma summits Emphasis on:  Making structural funds available for the Roma  Mainstreaming Roma inclusion in EU policies (e.g. Europe 2020) Numerous reports of the European Parliament, calling for a European Roma Strategy

Current policy framework at EU level April 2009: 10 Common Basic Principles on Roma Inclusion: (1) Constructive, pragmatic, nondiscriminatory policies (2) Explicit but exclusive targeting (3) Inter-cultural approach (4) Aiming for the mainstream (5) Awareness of gender dimension (6) Transfer of evidence-based policies (7) Use of Community instruments (8) Involvement of regional and local authorities (9) Involvement of civil society (10) Active participation of Roma BUT no concrete improvement, inadequate use of EU funds, lack of political will, stigmatisation of Roma at the highest level in Member States, expulsions, segregation in education, forced evictions, etc...

Unprecedented visibility to the problems faced by Roma populations in Europe Strong statements by Commissioner Reding Multiplication of High level meetings (EC, EP, CoE...) and announcement of targeted measures  Council of Europe : set up of European Training Programme for Roma Mediators  European Commission:  Roma Task Force: evaluation of the use of structural funds and recommendations (December 2010)  EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies (April 2011) Recent developments – an opportunity for policy change?

ERPC Statement Essential Elements of the “EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies” 1. Division of Responsibilities The European Commission’s role Member States responsibilities Regional and local authorities, and decentralised government branches: crucial actors

2. Strong Governance Mechanisms Clear EU and Member State accountability and enforcement mechanisms A permanent cross-DG Unit Use the Integrated EU Platform on Roma Inclusion Establish inter-ministerial executive bodies Effective mechanisms for vertical coordination Fund management authorities should be included in all coordination processes

3. Mainstreaming and Targeting, Integrated and Model Approaches Both mainstreamed and targeted approaches. Full mainstreaming of Roma inclusion measures Targeted policies and interventions Ensure that no policy, programme or other measure entrenches or creates further segregation. Include integrated approaches to Roma Inclusion Reflect and adapt as needed ‘model approaches’ that fit different Roma communities

4. Data Collection and Benchmarking Disaggregated data collection in all relevant policy areas Set out a long-term strategy for Roma Inclusion. It should establish common and national targets, indicators and timelines, as well as sector-based and overall benchmarks for Member States.

5. Monitoring and Evaluation A clear framework for monitoring results and impact at the Member State and EU level Mandatory annual reporting by Member States on implementation.

6. Policy and Funding Linkages Elaborate clear and strong linkages between policy measures and financial programmes Provide for strengthened coordination between EU funding Amend EU funding streams to include Roma inclusion as a horizontal priority Prohibit the use of financial resources for programming that results in segregation or other violations of fundamental rights Elaborate methods of coordination with the EURoma network.

7. Anti-Discrimination and Fundamental Rights Strong commitment to non-discrimination, equal treatment, positive action and condemnation of stigmatising rhetoric. Promote equal opportunities for Roma. Measures to strengthen enforcement of respect for fundamental rights. Strong anti-discrimination and awareness-raising measures to tackle prejudice, discrimination Addressing the lack of capacity to implement policies and access EU funding should go hand in hand with tackling direct and indirect discrimination

8. Scope Reflect existing EU fundamental rights law The Framework’s scope should be broad Non-discrimination, gender equality, children’s rights and citizenship Social inclusion Freedom of movement, access to justice, prevention of anti- Roma crimes, ethnic profiling, child protection (Pre-) accession countries and countries with a sizeable Roma population falling under the ENP Citizens, EU citizens residing in other EU countries and third country nationals

9. Roma and Civil Society Participation Promote the direct involvement of Roma in decision-making and policy development and implementation as a key success factor Foresee long-term investment in grassroots organisation and empowerment. Include actions to strengthen Roma human resources to redress the abysmal representation of Roma at all levels of government.

Thank you!