by Haikal Masduqi Marrickville Intensive English Centre Term 3, 2014
Definition Racism is discrimination based on social perceptions of biological differences between people. It often takes the form of negative social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems towards other people.
Why Does Racism Happen ? We enjoy talking and hanging out with people that have similar culture. We quickly judge other ‘different’ people without thinking about it first. People like to blame other ‘different’ people if we have trouble.
What Do Racists Say? They believe their nationality is better than other countries. They claim that another culture is inferior. They say their religion is the best. They insult other people with different race.
How to stop Racism Self-Evaluation. Think about reason why we are racist. Consider about other people’s feeling. Think about if you are a victim of racism. Spend more time with people with different race, colour, or religion.
People Who help Stop Racism Barack Obama Martin Luther King Jr. Ray Charles Nelson Mandela etc
Multiculturalism Multiculturalism is where people from different races live together in the same society. Multiculturalism means all people have the same right, even though they have different appearances.
Advantages Of Being Multicultural The life will be not boring. Imagine if we only have one language, one race, one kind of food all over the world. It will be very boring. We can learn different things from other different culture like traditional dances, songs, clothes, etc.
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