I had a question from a past class that asked “Why do people judge others by skin color?” The fact is color is visible and so judgements are made, and more often than not they are wrong. What does skin color actually tell us? Ethnicity perhaps? Let’s find out, activity.activity
Worldviews can differ This can lead to a clash of differing opinions/cultures Conflict can be the cause for the failure to understand or accept differences (or perhaps lead to an exaggeration of differences with negative implications) Conflict can be motivated by greed, fear and in turn leads to bias, prejudice, discrimination, racism and stereotypes
Stereotype: A standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, or uncritical judgment The stereotype of the absentminded professor. All women like to shop. All Asians are smart.
Prejudice: An adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge He has a prejudice against fast-food restaurants. Women can’t be trusted with money because they like to shop to much.
Discrimination: Unfavorable treatment based on prejudice He sued the company for age discrimination. A manager won’t hire women accountants because he believes women are bad with money.
Racism: A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race Hitler's declaration of his belief in a “master race” was an indication of the inherent racism of the Nazi movement. That white girl can’t work here because the owner is Chinese. (“By statute the Chinese are singled out as the only people in Canada who cannot employ white women.” 1 )
There are stereotypes around most cultures. Here is one view of our provinces.
Which of the following celebrities is a genius (IQ of 140+)?
Steve MartinLaura Shields
Dolph LundgrenScott Levy – AKA The Raven
All of them! Madonna – IQ 140 – Singer, and founded Maverick (an entertainment company) Shakira – IQ Singer, awarded a medal by UN’s International Labor Organization, guest speaker at the University of Oxford Steve Martin – IQ Actor Laura Shields – IQ 158 – Model/Actress, member of Mensa, degree in chemical engineering from Leeds University Dolph Lundren – IQ 160 – Actor/Martial Artist, masters degree in chemical engineering from University of Sydney, Fulbright scholarship winner to MIT Scott Levy – IQ 143 – Pro Wrestler, member or Mensa, studied criminal justice
Just a few more to prove the point: Asia Carerra – IQ 156 – Adult Actress, member of Mensa, full scholarship to Rutgers University, two piano performances at Carnegie Hall by age 16 Quentin Tarantino – IQ 160 – Director James Wood – IQ – 180 – Actor, member of Mensa, received a full scholarship to MIT, scored 800 (perfect) on SAT Verbal and 779 Math Even: Arnold Schwarzenegger – IQ 135 – Body Builder/Actor/Politician
According to the teachings of the Sacred Tree “If there is not a balance between our values concerning ourselves and our values concerning others, we cannot continue to develop our true potential as human beings. Indeed, if there is an imbalance, individuals, and whole communities suffer and even die.” taken from The Sacred Tree by P. Lane, J. Bopp, M. Bopp, L. Brown and Elders.