The Post-Reconstruction South Unit 4
We will: analyze the post- reconstruction period and see how institutionalized racism developed. ◦ Est. a practice or custom I will: describe institutionalized racist practices in post-reconstruction America.
Lesson A: Civil War was over northern troops leave Democratic party re-established power many new laws to help newly free AA’s were repealed. ◦ “Redemption of the South” In other words the politicians tried to put back rules/laws the way they were.
New rules/laws “Jim Crow” laws were only for Black Americans (crow = black). ◦ Miscegenation ◦ Literacy tests ◦ Poll taxes Purpose to deprive AA’s of new rights.
Small Group Complete the literacy test!
Those against racial discrimination challenge racism through the courts. 1 st major case was it legal to have “ separate but equal” facilities? ◦ Homer Plessy v. John H. Ferguson (1896) Supreme Court voted 7-1 YES! ◦ Kept racism institutionalized.
At the same time racism is being challenged in some parts of America, the Ku Klux Klan is gaining popularity in other parts. ◦ Violence ◦ Intimidation