Note Taking and Plagiarism
Is it Plagiarism? Racism leads to prejudice. Racists believe that all races are different and one race can be better than another. Different races have different physical characteristics. Racist people think that race determines not just one’s looks, but one’s intelligence and character as well (“Racism”). YES!
Is it Plagiarism? WHY? Although the words are different, the ideas and the order of those ideas are the same. HOW DO WE AVOID THIS? Take notes. Do not write with a source in front of you. Write with your notes in front of you.
Taking Notes 1. Put the big ideas into your own shorthand words. 2. Decide on a logical order of your own to organize those big ideas. 3. Fully write information out in your words and order.
Note Taking Example Grolier search: “Racism”--3 rd result Race = prejudice Differences make some races better Differences are in physical traits Race determines not just physical, but character
Writing From Notes Race is the division of people according to physical characteristics. Some people believe that these physical characteristics that make up one’s race also determine other deeper things about one’s character like intelligence and behavior. This leads to racism which is the belief that one race can be better than another (“Racism”).