The Transatlantic Slave Trade By: Mr. Gonzalez
The Evolution of Slavery ► English colonist gradually turned to the use of African slaves after efforts to meet their labor needs. ► In the early days of slavery the English forced Native Americans to work for them. Native Americans avoided learning English labor techniques and could easily escape because they knew the land. ► Slaves worked their entire life and therefore brought a higher return of an investment. ► ,000 Black Slaves, ,000 Black slaves.
The European Slave Trade ► During the 17 th century Africans had become part of the Triangular Trade network. A three way trading process. ► This was a three-way trading process. 1.) Merchants carried rum and other goods from England to Africa. 2.) In Africa they traded their merchandise for enslaved people, whom they transported to the West Indies and sold for sugar and molasses. 3.) These goods were then shipped to New England to be distilled into rum.
The Middle Passage ► The voyage that brought Africans to the West Indies and later to North America. ► It was considered the middle leg to the Transatlantic trade triangle. ► Sickening cruelty characterized this journey. ► On board slave ships, Africans fell victim to whippings, beatings, disease, ► The smell of blood, sweat, and excrement filled the hold, as African passengers lived in their own waste.
Slavery in the South ► An extremely difficult life of bondage in North America. ► Most slaves worked in the fields. ► 10 to 20 percent worked in the house of their owners. ► Cooked, cleaned and raised their masters kids.
The Transatlantic Slave Trade
Slaves Boarding
On the ships
Triangular Trade