History 3605: “FOOTNOTE BOOT CAMP” Professor McDonald Spring 2012 Feb. 16, 2012
Figures based on McCusker and Menard, The Economy of British America, , 54. Problem #1: 1st Citation Format Option 1: David Northrup (ed.), The Transatlantic Slave Trade (Boston: Wadsworth, 2011), p. XX. Option 2: Herbert Klein, “Profits and Losses,” in The Transatlantic Slave Trade ed. David Northrup, (Boston: Wadsworth, 2011), p. XX.
How did the class do?: Correct: 7 Incorrect: 15 One still outstanding: 1
What did I get instead: Herbert S. Klein, “Economic Aspects of the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic Slave Trade,” in The Rise of the Merchant Empire, edited by James D. Tracy, 1990, pp. 287, 299, Reprinted with the permission of Cambridge University Press. Profits and Losses Pg 91
What I got continued….. Klein, Herbert, “Profits and Losses,” in The Atlantic Slave Trade, ed. David Northrup, (Boston, MA: Wadsworth, 2011), p. 77. Herbert S. Klein, “Profits and Losses,” from The Atlantic Slave Trade, ed. by David Northrup, 2011, pp David Northrup (ed.), The Atlantic Save Trade (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001), p. 77.
Problem #: 2 nd Citation Format Option 1: Northrup, Atlantic Slave Trade, p. 88. Option 2: Klein, “Profits and Losses,” p. 88.
How did the class do? Correct: 5 Incorrect: 17 One still outstanding: 1
What I got instead…… Northrup, David. The Atlantic Slave Trade. (Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2002), 77. David Northrup (ed.), The Atlantic Slave Trade, p. 76. Herbert Klein, The Atlantic Slave Trade, 79
What I got continued…. Klein, “Profits and Losses” pages David, Northrup. The Atlantic Slave Trade 3 rd Ed. P. 78 Id 76
Figures based on Philip Curtin, The Atlantic Slave Trade: A Census (Madison, 1969), 268. “The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database Voyages,” Emory University, accessed 1 February 2012, tast/ assessment/estimates.faces. Or the second variation that included a last modified date…. Or Voyages: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Database…as the name Problem #3: Citing the Database (the first time)
What I got instead… Emory University. “Voyages”. The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database. 10 Feb es.faces Voyages Database Voyages: The Trans- Atlantic Slave Database. “The Trans-Atlantic Slave Database: Voyages.” Emory University 2009.
Most interesting of all…. Seven (yes, that’s 7) of you did not have a footnote for the Trans- Atlantic Slave Database at all. Pray tell, was it not one of your sources?
Problem #4:Second time you cite the database “The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database Voyages.”
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Database Slave Database Database Voyages What I got instead….
What to do now!?! David Northrup (ed.), The Transatlantic Slave Trade (Boston: Wadsworth, 2011), p. XX. OR Herbert Klein, “Profits and Losses,” in The Transatlantic Slave Trade ed. David Northrup, (Boston: Wadsworth, 2011), p. XX. Northrup, Atlantic Slave Trade, p. 88. OR Klein, “Profits and Losses,” p. 88. “The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database Voyages,” Emory University, accessed 1 February 2012, tast/ assessment/estimates.faces. “The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database Voyages.”
And if I have no footnotes for sources? Book is up front….have fun.