SYN SYN ACK ACK Data RST ACK time A B Data RST ABRUPT TERMINATION A sends a RESET (RST) to B E.g., because application process on A crashed B does not ack the RST Thus, RST is not delivered reliably And: any data in flight is lost But: if B sends anything more, will elicit another RST
END-TO-END SECURITY Application layer TLS/SSL encrypts all application layer data … but does not encrypt the TCP header!
END-TO-END SECURITY Encrypted Content TCP Header IP Header TLS/SSL (Application Layer)
END-TO-END SECURITY Application layer TLS/SSL encrypts all application layer data … but does not encrypt the TCP header! Transport layer TCP sequence number defends against blind spoofing … but not man-in-the-middle attacks Network layer IPsec encrypts the entire IP payload, including the TCP header
END-TO-END SECURITY Encrypted Content TCP Header IP Header Encrypted IP Header IP Header Encrypted Content Encrypted TCP Header TLS/SSL (Application Layer) IPsec (Network Layer)
BLIND SPOOFING Need to know the sequence number
BLIND SPOOFING Need to know the sequence number How? Guess all numbers! Alternatively, infer first send a legitimate TCP SYN Let’s say the receiver responds with sequence number A Then spoof a TCP SYN assuming the receiver responds with A+1 Defenses?
Source IP:
/16 Source IP: Egress Filtering
/16 Source IP:
/16 Source IP: Ingress Filtering
/16 Source IP: Ingress Filtering What’s missing?
Receiver Attacker SYN SYNACK (seqno = y) Source ??? ACK (ackno = k?)
Receiver Attacker … Confirmation Request Source ??? Confirmation Response Defenses?
Receiver Attacker … Confirmation Request (123) Source ??? Confirmation Response (456?) Nonce
You Web server X 100Mbps 1Gbps Web server X can comfortably handle the load you generate
DISTRIBUTED DENIAL-OF-SERVICE (DDOS) MasterSlave 1 Slave 3 Slave 4 Slave 2 Victim Control traffic directs slaves at victim src = random dst = victim Slaves send streams of traffic (perhaps spoofed) to victim
Reflector (R) Internet Attacker (A) Victim (V) SYN SYNACK REFLECTORS Cause one non-compromised host to attack another E.g., host A sends TCP SYN with source V to server R R sends reply to V
DIFFUSE DDOS: REFLECTOR ATTACK MasterSlave 1 Slave 3 Slave 4 Slave 2Victim Control traffic directs slaves at victim & reflectors Request: src = victim dst = reflector Reflectors send streams of non-spoofed but unsolicited traffic to victim Reflector 1Reflector 9Reflector 4Reflector 2Reflector 3Reflector 5Reflector 6Reflector 7Reflector 11Reflector 8Reflector 10 Reply: src = reflector dst = victim
MITIGATING DDOS No good defense… Solutions so far Overprovision Distribute service to multiple machines
AndrewSteve E(M, Steve pub )
AndrewSteve E(M, Steve pub ) Man-In-The- Middle
AndrewSteve Man-In-The- Middle E(M’, Steve pub )
AndrewSteve E(M, Steve pub ) MAC(H(M), Andrew private ) Andrew pub ???
AndrewSteve E(M, Steve pub ) MAC(H(M), Andrew private ) E(Andrew pub, Steve pub )
AndrewSteve Man-In-The- Middle MAC(H(M), Andrew private ) E(Andrew pub, Steve pub ) E(M, Steve pub )
AndrewSteve Man-In-The- Middle MAC(H(M’), MITM private ) E(MITM pub, Steve pub ) E(M’, Steve pub )