4 SQUARE WRITING Helping us write a DBQ! Based on the writing program of Judith and Evan Gould Edited by Donna Stone and Maria Milam
How to fill out the graphic organizer… Day 1: DBQ Writing How to fill out the graphic organizer…
Informational Writing Directions for Writing: Using the documents, your answers to the DBQ questions, and your knowledge of Social Studies write a well organized essay about the Civil War. In your essay remember to: Tell the purpose of slavery from colonial times until the Civil War and how slavery denied people their basic human rights. Include an introduction, body, and a conclusion Include details, examples, or reasons to develop your answer Use the information in the documents in your answer
As a writer you need to think about what you are doing as you’re writing! Be sure to think.. Ideas (2Xs) Organization (1x) Focus on your topic and genre Start paragraphs with general ideas Move to specific descriptive ideas Narrow your focus Introduce your topic &engage the reader Put ideas in a logical order Use transition words to link ideas, paragraphs, and sentences Style (1x) Conventions (1x) Vary your sentence length: Simple and compound Word choice: engages the reader, descriptive, figurative Use compound and simple sentences correctly; write complex sentences Punctuate correctly Correct usage (verbs, possessives, contractions. etc…) Correct mechanics (spelling, capitals, paragraphs…)
Prepare the graphic organizer. Now fold your paper into 4 squares.
Slavery was an institution that provided the South with many things. Topic Sentence Fold the paper into four squares. Begin with one well written topic sentence placed in a box in the center. This will become the topic sentence.
It’s your turn… Write a topic sentence using the prompt Check your topic sentence with your neighbor. Do they think it is on topic? Have you used Social Studies language? Have you used the question in your topic sentence? Raise your hand to share.
Slavery’s had a purpose. Slavery existed in the south. Slavery was an institution that provided the South with many things. Slavery was a cruel institution. Slavery denied people their human rights. Add three supporting sentences (one in each box). The fourth box should be a feeling sentence that sums up the other three. All sentences should support the main topic in the center.
It’s your turn… Now write your four sub-topic sentences. Check your sub-topic sentence with your neighbor. Do they think it is on topic? Have you used Social Studies language? Have you used the question in your topic sentence? Look at the model.
Slavery existed in the south. Slavery’s had a purpose. Slavery existed in the south. Worked in the fields growing cotton, tobacco King Cotton Agricultural society Slaves worked and did not receive pay Labored at jobs for master Clothes, food given Slavery was an institution that provided the South with many things. Slavery denied people their human rights. Slavery was a cruel institution. Punished for running away sold family members Now add three details to support your sub-topic. This is where your facts, quotes, examples, and details will go! Remember these do not have to be sentences!
It’s your turn… Now write your details and examples. Have you used quotes from the document? Check your details with your neighbor. Do they think they match the sub-topic? Have you used Social Studies language? Look at the model.
Hints From Mrs. Stone’s Social Studies Class for completing your Graphic Organizer Reread your documents Do you have a quote from the document you think shows the reader what it was really like? Can you think of text we have read in Social Studies that will help you provide evidence? (see chapter 5) Be sure your facts are accurate! Don’t make it up. Put your opinion and personal thoughts in the conclusion.
It’s your turn… Write a topic sentence using a prompt Check your topic sentence with your neighbor. Do they think it is on topic? Have you used Social Studies language? Have you used the question in your topic sentence? Now write your four sub-topic sentences. Check your sub-topic sentence with your neighbor. Do they think it is on topic? Have you used Social Studies language? Have you used the question in your topic sentence? Look the model.
How to use the graphic organizer to write… Introductions Day 2: DBQ Writing How to use the graphic organizer to write… Introductions
First Paragraph (Introduction) Topic Sentence Center of 4 Square Use a hook Prepares reader Ties all squares together
What kinds of hooks can you use with informational writing? Question Interesting fact or quote Description Combinations of these Be careful though you do not want it to sound like a story
Again from the graphic organizer to the lined paper……… Again from the graphic organizer to the lined paper……….. Introduction Quote “The law gives the master absolute power over the slave.” This quote from the document shows the unfair relationship between the master and the slave. This relationship between slave and master existed in the United States from colonial times until the Civil War. Slavery, though it denied people their basic human rights had a purpose, and helped the south to become a powerful cotton producer. ↑ See the quote from the document! ←This sentence comes from the question!
Again from the graphic organizer to the lined paper. Introduction Again from the graphic organizer to the lined paper..Introduction.. Interesting Fact … “In the 1840’s and 1850’s cotton was called “king.”” in the south. (P.144) This was because cotton was the most valuable resource. It was used in British and Northern textile factories. As a result, a relationship developed between slaves and master in the United States from colonial times until the Civil War. Slavery, though it denied people their basic human rights had a purpose, and helped the south to become a powerful cotton producer. ↑ See the quote from the text! ←This sentence comes from the question!
←This sentence comes from the question! Again from the graphic organizer to the lined.. Introduction..Description … Today’s American adults have many choices that they make about their lives. They must make decisions about where the will work, where they will live, and who they will spend time with. No one tells them what time they get up, what they must eat or who they talk to. Yet during the colonial time until the Civil War this was not the case for African Americans. This was because they were slaves. Slavery, though it denied people their basic human rights had a purpose ,was wrong, and helped the south to become a powerful cotton producer. ↑ See the describing! ←This sentence comes from the question!
It’s your turn… Use your graphic organizer to write your introduction Check the first paragraph with your neighbor. Do they think it has a hook/lead? Have you used Social Studies language? Have you used the question in your topic sentence? Highlight your lead in yellow. Raise your hand to share your introduction. Be ready to tell what type of hook or lead you used.
How to use the graphic organizer to write… The Body Day 2: DBQ Writing How to use the graphic organizer to write… The Body
Again from the graphic organizer to the lined paper..Body Here I used a dictionary definition to begin…It hooks the reader to begin the body. Again from the graphic organizer to the lined paper..Body Slavery, “the state of being under the control of another person,” existed in the United States from colonial times until the Civil War. Its purpose was to forced human beings to work and live so that another person could make money. In doing so, slaves were denied basic human rights of freedom They were not allowed to make choices about their own lives. If they fought many were tortured. Look at all the language from the document See how I have used the graphic organizer ideas and reworded them!
It’s your turn… Use your graphic organizer to write your first paragraph of your body Check the first body paragraph with your neighbor.? Have you used Social Studies language? Do you have quotes from the document or text? Raise your hand to share your first paragraph. Continue writing your body using the rest of your graphic organizer.