Monday- SUB/CC article Tuesday – Map quiz Wednesday – Fri?- presentations Cortez, Balboa, Leon, Pizarro, Vespucci, conquistador (articles from Encyclopedia) Introduce Cause and effect?
Hoy es lunes, el 20 de octubre. No esponja today! AGENDA You will start by Reading through the article on Columbus. 1. Read through it once before you highlight and annotate. 2. Highlight and annotate the article. 3. Finally, create a two-column note page that include notes on these topics: His childhood/early life His adulthood and interest in exploring His travels to the Americas How this impacted his life If you finish early, you may work QUIETLY with your partner on your presentation. (Or, if you missed the quiz on Friday, you can study in order to make that up on Wednesday.)
Hoy es martes, el 21 de octubre. No esponja today! 1. Clear off your desks except for a pen or pencil. 2. Please remain silent and in your seat during the test. 3. When you are finished, make sure you turn in your test. 4. After that, you may relax, work on homework or read. Have you seen Ms. T’s key card? Thanks!
Hoy es miércoles, el 22 de octubre. Esponja: Answer the following questions: 1. Who was Christopher Columbus? 2. Why did he travel west from Europe? 3. How was he able to make the trip? 4. What did he find? 5. How did that impact Europe? 6. How did this impact the “New World”? Let’s start presenting! Have you seen Ms. T’s key card? Thanks!
Hoy es jueves, el 23 de octubre. No esponja today! Let’s get presenting!
After Columbus, what happened? 1. What is a conquistador? 2. How did they impact the “New World” and Europe? 3. Who defeated the Incas? 4. Who searched for the fountain of youth? 5. Who was America named for?
Hoy es viernes, el 24 de octubre. No esponja today! Let’s get presenting!
After Columbus, what happened? 1. What is a conquistador? 2. How did they impact the “New World” and Europe? 3. Who defeated the Incas? 4. Who searched for the fountain of youth? 5. Who was America named for?