Slavery in The Colonies Jamestown and beyond. Colonial Trade By the mid 1700s, the American colonies had developed a diverse economy, supplying a range.


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Presentation transcript:

Slavery in The Colonies Jamestown and beyond

Colonial Trade By the mid 1700s, the American colonies had developed a diverse economy, supplying a range of products to Britain FishMeatTobaccoRiceIndigo

The Triangle of Trade The greatest contributor to the economy of the Americas was the slave trade. It was essential to the production of the commodities wealth in the Americas.

English Tobacco Label The First Africans arrived in Jamestown in 1619, but also arrived in the Carolinas.  Africans were brought over from other colonies at first.  Slaves were necessary in order for the plantation system to function. =11ks526JV70 =11ks526JV70

Indentured Servitude Headright System

Indentured Servitude Headright System:  Each Virginian got 50 acres for each person whose passage they paid. Indenture Contract:  5-7 years.  Promised “freedom dues” [land, £]  Forbidden to marry.  : only 1 in 10 outlived their indentured contracts!

Tobacco’s effect on Virginia’s economy:  Vital role in putting VA on a firm economic footing.  Ruinous to soil when continuously planted.  Chained VA’s economy to a single crop. Tobacco promoted the use of the plantation system.  Need for cheap, abundant labor. Virginia: “Child of Tobacco”

Compare Indentured Servants Laborer, usually English, worked for a specified amount of time (approx 7 years) Received some sort of compensation at the end of their term. Slaves Property or chattel of the a free man or company. The first slave was declared in approximately 1640 although this is not for sure.

17 c Population in the Chesapeake WHY this large increase in black population.??

The Atlantic Slave Trade

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As the number of slaves increased, white colonists reacted to put down perceived racial threat.  Slavery transformed from an economic opportunity to an economic and racial institution.  Early 1600s  differences between slave and servant were unclear. By the mid-1680s, black slaves outnumbered white indentured servants. American History - YouTube American History - YouTube Colonial Slavery

The Stono Rebellion After this rebellion everything changed for Africans in America. lKS4 lKS4

Beginning in 1662  “Slave Codes”  Made blacks [and their children] property, or chattel for life of white masters.  In some colonies, it was a crime to teach a slave to read or write.  Conversion to Christianity did not qualify the slave for freedom. Colonial Slavery

The Slavery Code An example of slavery codes. “All servants imported and brought into the Country…who were not Christians in their native Country…Shall be accounted and be slaves.” –Virginia General Assembly declaration, 1705

Some Questions: Was it easy for Africans to be forced into slavery? Were there any cases of resistance? Why Africans and not the natives? What were their rights?