Slavery: To End or keep? How does Western expansion lead to the Civil War? How does the conflict of slavery lead to Civil War?
What is the Missouri Compromise?
Missouri Compromise (1850): Missouri would be entered as a free state Maine enters as a free state Territory below Missouri would be slave above would be free
What will we do with land gained from Mexican-American War?
Wilmot Proviso David Wilmot proposed that all land gained from war should be free How do you think that went over????
South is mad The South threatens to secede Leave union!
Views on Slavery Slavery is right because it morally just and a better life for blacks Slavery is good financial institution Slavery is morally wrong Slavery is wrong because it hurts me finically
The Slave Power and white supremacy were further reinforced by the pro-slavery rationale of John C. Calhoun Slavery was “a good - a positive good” that was both profitable as well as politically and socially sound. “There never has yet existed in a wealthy and civilized society in which one portion of the community did not…live on the labor of the other…I fearlessly assert that the existing relations between the two races in the South forms the most solid and durable foundation upon which to rear free and stable political institutions.”
Calhoun’s argument continued that in a free labor system, labor is a commodity whose price is determined by the laws of the market. In such a system, slavery was necessary because it produced a master class that greatly differed from the ruling class of capitalist industrial society. This woodcut of a black father being sold away from his family appeared in The Child’s Anti-Slavery Book in 1860.
On the one hand, Calhoun argued, slave owners treated their slaves with paternalistic care by assuming life-long responsibility. On the other hand, capitalists hired classes of manual laborers who were treated as wage slaves. Slavery was a blessing to an inferior race. It was the cornerstone of democracy as it avoided bitter class divisions of the north while ensuring the freedom of all white men.
John C. Calhoun’s View What’s wrong with this picture based on what you learned in class?
This was published as a way to encourage slavery. The caption above the picture. Hmmmm, any truth behind this????
Abolitionist Abolitionist: people who worked to free slaves(Moral reasons to end slavery.) Uncle Tom’s Cabin: 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe; novel about slavery and two runaways Henry Bibb: (account we read yesterday.)
Free Soil Party Huge debate over slavery 1848 Free-Soil Party -Can you guess what they believed?
Free Soil Party Keep slavery out of the western territories
Free Soil Party Many (Not everyone in the party) were racist Didn’t push to end slavery because it’s bad and inhuman to treat people like property. Instead it needed to end or not expand because it finically hurt white people. What? How? What are your ideas?
1848 Election Martin Van Buren: Free Soil Party Former president Van Buren called for a ban on slavery in Mexican Cession Zachary Taylor: Whigs Didn’t talk about slavery Lewis Cass: Democrats: Popular sovereignty: people vote if they want slavery Zachary Taylor will be elected as the 12 president who is a Whig.
Compromise of 1850 Huge debate over what to do with new land- Henry Clay has a new idea Slave trade in D.C. abolished Settles dispute between Mexico and Texas California enters as free state Fugitive Slave Act: citizens had to assist in returning runaway slaves or be fined or arrested Runaways did not get a trial Commisioners who would be paid $5 if an alleged fugitive were released and $10 if he or she were sent away
Zachary Taylor Zachary Taylor did not support the compromise however he died 13th president: Millard Fillmore Whig Liked the compromise and supported The country is getting closer to ripping apart!
Zachary Taylor & Millard Fillmore Video 4xhV3Wk&safety_mode=true&persist_s afety_mode=1http:// 4xhV3Wk&safety_mode=true&persist_s afety_mode=1
Work Cited Black-Strict-Leather-Flogging-Whip/ Black-Strict-Leather-Flogging-Whip/