March 10, 2014
MATERIALSHOMEWORK NB Pencil Highlighter Expert group handouts Use your notes to write two paragraphs in your NB: Paragraph 1: How did people attempt to control slaves? What are your thoughts on this? Paragraph 2: How did people attempt to resist slavery? What are your thoughts on this?
STANDARDOBJECTIVE Trace the origins and development of slavery; its effects on black Americans and on the region’s political, social, religious, economic, and cultural development; and identify the strategies that were tried to both overturn and preserve it (e.g., through the writings and historical documents on Nat Turner, Denmark Vesey). SWBAT summarize strategies that were used to overturn and preserve slavery by enumerating while reading.
We will read this section as a class. If you are not reading aloud you are following along. As we are reading write down 3 techniques that were used to control slaves.
We will read this section as a class. If you are not reading aloud you are following along. As we are reading write down 3 ways that slaves resisted slavery.
Read Highlight important information Share out with your group As others share out: write down 3 bullet points of information.
Use your notes to write two paragraphs in your NB: Paragraph 1: How did people attempt to control slaves? Explain. Paragraph 2: How did people attempt to resist slavery? Explain.