in the United States
When did slavery start? Slavery started in the United States in the early 1500’s. The slaves were brought from Africa to the United States on ships and were traded through the Slave Trade.
How were slaves treated? Slaves were not viewed as people; they were viewed as property. Slaves were only treated well enough to keep them healthy enough to work. Most slaves were only fed once a week and were given two outfits per year.
What were common jobs of slaves? There were two types of slaves: Field Hands worked outside picking crops and taking care of animals. House Slaves worked inside making food and cleaning the house.
The economy depended on slavery in the early 1500’s to the mid 1800’s. This was because slaves were responsible for doing things like building bridges, roads, and picking cotton. How did slavery affect the country?
How did slavery end? Slavery started to end in the late 1700’s. New laws were formed making it illegal for people to trade slaves. Slavery was officially abolished in 1865 when the 13 th Amendment was added to the Constitution.
Sources: Book, World. "The World Encyclopedia." Slavery. Willard, Ohio, May 22, Print. Books, Time-Life. "The Union Restored." Background For Strife. Canada, May 22, Print. Hakim, Joy. A History of Us. New, York, New York, May 23, Print. Gorrel, Gena. North Star to Freedom. Stoddart: Ontario, May 24, Print. Congress, Library of. “Abolition of Slavery.” The Spanish-American War. June 22, June 1,2012. Politics, Texas. “Reconstruction and the Civil War Amendments.” June 1,2012.