Mr. FeeneyAmerican History 9 Frederick Douglass Nat Turner
Abolitionism Abolitionism A call to outlaw slavery, especially in the US. Whites and blacks worked together and some reformers used violence, while others resorted to peaceful methods of reform. In the 1820’s, 100 antislavery societies existed and 1,400 blacks emigrated back to Africa to escape the harsh slave lifestyle. Important figures: William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, and Nat Turner.
William Lloyd Garrison William Lloyd Garrison Most radical, white newspaper editor. Active member of MA religious movements. Owner of “The Liberator,” in 1831 he prints a new headline that reads: “Immediate Emancipation-the freeing of slaves, with no payment to slaveholders.” 1832-Founded the New England Anti-Slavery Society 1833-Founded the National Anti-Slavery Society
Free Blacks David Walker Author of Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World. Free black man, who joined one of the many anti-slavery societies and helped other slaves gain their freedom through He was responsible for helping blacks get low-wage jobs in the north and the south. He was even able to help a man that has come to be known as, Frederick Douglass.
Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass Born into slavery in 1817 in the south. He learned to read and write from his owner’s wife, then his owner forced his wife to stop teaching him. He studied harder! In 1838, he escaped from Baltimore, MD to New York, where he first tasted freedom. In 1847, Douglass began his own newspaper that helped guide slaves to their own freedom, it was called, The North Star.
Life Under Slavery 1810 1.2 million slaves Small farms Imported to the United States from Africa/Caribbean Don’t speak English 1830 2 million slaves Big plantations Most slaves were born within the United States Speak fluent English
Nat Turner’s Rebellion Nat Turner Born into slavery, South Hampton county, Virginia. He became a preacher. Rebellion Turner leads 80 men during an eclipse to rebel against four southern plantations and they kill 60 white people. Turner’s Rebellion was seized by federal troops, he escaped for weeks before being captured and hanged. The whites killed another 200 innocent blacks in retaliation
Slave Owners Defend Slavery Virginia Debate An attempt to abolish slavery in VA, the governor sends a bill to the legislature, where it lost by a narrow margin. (73-58) Black Rights Free blacks lost the majority of their rights in the south in the 1830’s. Vote, own property, buy alcohol or guns. Gag Rule: In 1836, congress said that an issue does not have to be debated in congress (abolition), it was repealed in 1844
Formative Assessment 1. Who was the most influential abolitionist leader of the early 19 th century? Explain and provide reasons. 2. What led to the steep incline of slavery between 1810 and 1830? Why? 3. What argument is best supported by evidence, pro-slavery or anti-slavery?