WITNESS THE INTERSECTION: PEOPLE WITH CHRIST. SHARING CHRIST IN LIFE World Population: 7,063,000,000 (2012) How many of “You” is there – Just 1 = 1 made.


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Presentation transcript:


SHARING CHRIST IN LIFE World Population: 7,063,000,000 (2012) How many of “You” is there – Just 1 = 1 made like you, 1 made with your friends, 1 made with your abilities, 1 made with your colour hair, eyes, personality… 1 alone… 1 with your smile, your lips, your appearance… 1 only 1 = You are God’s Creation, Unique, Individual, Worth everything to God… Worth everything to Jesus… In fact… He gave His Life for “You” --- The 1.

Ps. 139: 13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. 14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. To Share Christ… Your Way! UNIQUE FOR A REASON

1 Cor 12: 27 Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. To Share Christ… Your Way! UNIQUE FOR A REASON

TO HELP, TO SHARE, AS ONLY “YOU” CAN… Only 1 is like you…. Only 1

YOUR GIFTS, TALENTS, ABILITIES, INTERESTS…. ONLY “YOU” -I’m good at certain things -I meet people in those places -I can help -I have common interests with others -I know Jesus…. -I have Eternal Hope…. -“Always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15)




DEVELOP, GROW YOUR FRIENDSHIPS AND RELATIONSHIPS AIM AT THE INTERSECTION... PEOPLE TO CHRIST Where do you find yourself? ESL Classes Playing street hockey Visit a nursing home Helping with homework Volunteer at a food bank Providing cooking classes Sewing class Fixing cars Computer basics Budgeting instructions How to cook nutritious meals Bridging cultural gaps Bandage rolling Soccer / sports clinics School supplies gifts Music preparation Drama class

INTERSECTION: PEOPLE WITH CHRIST ONLY 1… “YOU”… BUT WE ARE ALIKE TO SHARE “You” – Sadness + Jesus = Joy “You” – Sin + Jesus = Forgiveness “You” – Despair + Jesus = Hope “You” – Death + Jesus = Life “You” – Slave + Jesus = Free “You” – Sinner + Jesus = Saint “You” – Alienated + Jesus = Belonging “You” – Enemy + Jesus = Friends “You” – Shame + Jesus = Honour “You” – Poverty + Jesus = Wealth “You” – Hardship + Jesus = Patience “You” – Failure + Jesus = Success “You” – Defeat + Jesus = Victory

Sadness – Joy, Gladness Sin – Forgiveness Guilt – Relief Despair – Hope Slavery (bad habits, addictions) - Freedom Wretch – Esteemed Alienated – Belonging Enemy – Friend Shame – Honour Poverty – Abundance Hardship – Patience Failure – Achievement Defeat – Victory Worry, Anxiety – Peace, Calmness Aimless – Purposeful Grief – Comfort Stress – Christ carries burdens Low self-esteem – valued highly by God Disappointed – Satisfied with God Insecure – Confidence Regret – New Beginning Remorse – Clean conscience Discontent – Contentment Fear – Strength/Courage Loneliness – Abiding Presence Self-centredness – Love for others Depression – Encouragement Superficiality – Wisdom to Eternity Boredom – God’s exciting adventure Death – eternal Life Empty – Fulfillment Bitterness – Forgiveness Resentment – Grace/Love Rejected – Accepted/adopted Broken Trust – Trust that never fails WE ARE IN LIFE TOGETHER

INTERSECTION: THE CROSS OF JESUS ONLY 1… UNIQUE, YET THE SAME NEED Jesus Loves “You” Jesus Cares for “You” Christ Lives in “You” His Light Shines in “You” He makes “You” Light He makes “You” Salt SEASON… SHINE… CARE… LOVE… Talk about Jesus….. Intersection

INTERSECTION: THE CROSS OF JESUS ONLY 1… UNIQUE, YET THE SAME NEED Wait For it…. The “Why” Because of Jesus… Talk about Jesus….. Intersection “Always be prepared…” (1 Peter 3:15) Concrete Idea – “5 to 1”

5 TO 1 5 times a week 4 minutes reading Bible 3 minutes reflection 2 minutes in prayer 1 minute telling another

Wages Sin Death Free Gift God Eternal Life “For the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal Life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Rom. 6:23 BUT Jesus Christ LORDLORD OUROUR

SHINE “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16