Slanders Against Saints. I. The Case Against Joseph, Gn.37-50 I. The Case Against Joseph, Gn.37-50.


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Presentation transcript:

Slanders Against Saints

I. The Case Against Joseph, Gn I. The Case Against Joseph, Gn.37-50

Joseph: an evil man 1. His own family sold him into slavery 2. Mrs. Potiphar’s charge: sexual assault 3. “Jail bird” 4. Fast talker; promoted to Pharaoh’s government 5. No evidence the charges against him were ever disproved or dropped

Joseph ‘outlived’ his opponents 1. Did not retaliate. Ct. 2 Sm.3 2. Forgave; blessed enemies. Lk.6: Exemplary life (so pure that none would believe charges) 4. Superior service won favor of overseers 5. Deep trust in God. Gn.50: Set apart from brothers, Gn.49:26

Joseph: set apart from brothers (Gn.49:26) “Consecrated”...usually, “Nazirite” One standing apart, thus “prince” Joseph is most eminent of brothers in character and piety 1. His strength was tested, Gn.37, His character was slandered 3. His service was rewarded w. prison

Joseph, in prison (Gn.40) Servant to others Sympathizer with others Saint (never stopped trusting God) “For such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and has become higher than the heavens” – Hb.7:26

I. The Case Against Joseph II. The Case Against Paul (Ro.3; 2 Co.1)

Paul: an evil man  Paul: “Do evil that good may come” (Ro.3:4-8)  Paul: weak, deceptive, greedy, fickle, 2 Co.1 Joseph did not have to defend himself. Paul did. **Enemies attacked Paul to discredit his gospel** Joseph did not have to defend himself. Paul did. **Enemies attacked Paul to discredit his gospel**

Paul ‘out-taught’ his opponents  Ro.3:7-8  2 Co “Defamed”: slandered “Entreat”: speak gently “Being defamed, we entreat” – 1 Co.4:13

I. The Case Against Joseph III. The Case Against Jesus (1 Pt.2:21-25) III. The Case Against Jesus (1 Pt.2:21-25) II. The Case Against Paul

Jesus: the most evil of all A disciple betrayed Him Another disciple denied Him All disciples forsook Him 1. Blasphemer, Mt.9:3 2. Winebibber, Mt.11:19 3. Demonic, Mk.3: Mad, Mk.3: Rebel, Lk.23:2,5 1. Blasphemer, Mt.9:3 2. Winebibber, Mt.11:19 3. Demonic, Mk.3: Mad, Mk.3: Rebel, Lk.23:2,5

Jesus’ case in unique He came to... Is.53:5 = 1 Pt.2:24  21, His call: imitate; share sufferings  22-23, He did not retaliate  24, He suffered for our sins (Jn.8:46) Fulfill prophecy, Is.53:3 Free us from sin, Is.53:4-6

I. The Case Against Joseph IV. The Case Against Christians (1 Pt.2-4) II. The Case Against Paul III. The Case Against Jesus

Do not expect to escape Mt.5:11-12 Dt.1:27 1 Pt.2:12 (3:16); 4:12-16, best antidote  Satan would destroy your reputation  Some will believe his charges Job 1:10-11 (4:7): best man on earth? Mt.26:6-13: best woman on earth?

Lessons: 1 Better to be slandered than to slander. Ja.4:11 2 It could always be worse. E.g.: 1 Pt. 4:4, persecution 3 God will make all things right. Rv.6: Best defense against slander: holy conduct. Dn.3