Mr. Johnson APUSH Hopewell High School
The Marshall Court Extension of Hamiltonian _________ policies Sanctity of _________ & ________ rights – ________ v. Peck, 1810 – _________ College v. Woodward, 1819 – ______ _______ Bridge v. _______ Bridge, 1837 (Taney Court) __________ supremacy, banking & ________ commerce – ___________ v. Maryland, 1819 – __________ v. Ogden, 1823
Inventors & Inventions Textiles – Eli Whitney: ______ ___ & ______________ parts – James Hargreaves: _________ ________ – Elias Howe & Isaac Singer: _______ machine Steam Power – James Watt: _____ engine – ____________ – Robert Fulton: steam____ & steam ________ Communication _____ Express Samuel Morse: ________ Agriculture John Deere: Cast-steel _______ Cyrus McCormick: Mechanized ________ Increased ________ & expanded _________ _________ rewarded innovation
The Northern Economy ________ production Water-powered ____ ________ Revolution spread to U.S., encouraged by – Revolution – Embargo – War of 1812 – Samuel _________ – ______’s American System Hierarchy ________ investors Management Cheap _____ labor ________ Americans _______________ Single ________ Children _________ System __________ism _________ towns “Industrial _______ism”
The Southern Economy “King ________” – Shipped to _____ and exported to _______ – Production spread ___ward throughout 1800s – Demand for _______ increased dramatically – _____ and ______ of soil shaped demographic settlement patterns Social hierarchy _________ owners Poor _______ ________ Slavery Chattel = “______” Atlantic slave trade ended in early 1800s, but population grew through _________ ____________
Immigration & Nativism Immigrants settled in ___ (for jobs) and on the _____ (for land), linking the east and ___west “___ Immigration” of the mid-1800s – _________ Revolutions of _____ Lutheran churches, music, education, _________ – _________ _______ famine _______ churches, laborers __________s (xenophobes) Didn’t like ________ communities where immigrants retained old ________, ________ and __________ Feared competition for ___ (NINA) Linked immigration to _________, _______ and political _______ Questioned loyalties of ________ immigrants Founded the ____- ________ (American) Party
Clay’s American System Extension of __________’s economic plan – Government-supported economic ___________ – Many ___________s opposed the plan Jackson vetoed ________ road & created “____ banks” S.C. tried to ______ tariff South remained _______ and _______________ Clay’s Plan ___________ tariff keep out ________ competition National ______ Sale of public ____s raise revenue while expanding ____ward __________ improvements Cumberland (_______) Road _____ Canal
Transportation Revolution Roads – “________ righters” and some easterners opposed funding of roads – __________ tolls helped fund improved roads – _______ construction increased in 1850s Rivers & Canals – ________ allowed goods to travel _______ and against the wind – Canals linked east to midwest Oceans – ______ ships established trade with _____ and transported settlers to the _____ coast Overall Impact Transportation _____ decreased and goods became _________ Both _________ and ______- born Americans moved west New _____ and _________ developed along transportation routes __________, ____________ economies Transportation revolution fueled ______ revolution and vice-versa
Early corporations Replaced state _________ charters Received legal protection, including _______ ________ Investors became first multi- _________________ Widening gap between rich & poor Small ________ class (social mobility) Workingmen’s parties demanded ___-hour day, higher _____ and abolition of ______ labor But overall standard of living _____________ The Market Revolution Impact on family – _______ and _______ industry began to gave way to factory system – Some ________ & ________ worked outside home – Increasing separation between workplace and home (“woman’s _____”/“cult of __________”) – Marriages based on ___ rather than social arrangements – ______ families, more focus on child-_________