James Buchanan
Birth date James Buchanan was born on April 23, 1791
Birth place He was born in Stony Batter, PA
Family His father was James Buchanan, Sr. His mother was Elizabeth Speer
Early childhood He learned arithmetic and bookkeeping when working at his father’s shop. He studied Greek & Latin.
Education He attended Dickinson Collage in Carlisle, PA
Adult Life He was president of the United States from March 4, March 3, 1861.
Important Events He was a president during slavery times.
Living or Deceased? He died a normal death in
Why is he Remembered? He was a president during slavery. He was the only president who never married.
Interesting Facts He was one of 11 children!!
Important Lessons One important lesson I could learn from him is that it is wrong to own another person.
Hero or Celebrity? I think James Buchanan is a hero. A hero is someone who saves someone or something from danger. He is a hero because he played a big part in stopping slavery.
Citations Unknown, "U. S.Presidents till date." the Unknown 12 Jan © 2009 World Book, Inc. All rights reserved. WORLD BOOK and the GLOBE DEVICE are registered trademarks or trademarks of World Book, Inc.