October 1492 – Columbus discovers America Jamestown, Virginia – the first English settlement 1620 – Pilgrim Fathers establish Plymouth Pennsylvania settled by W. Penn (Quakers) Britain at war with France. Treaty of Paris (1763) – Britain is a supreme power in America
1773 – the Boston Tea Party. The first conflict with Britain. Motto: „No taxation without representation!“ Declaration of Independence (Thomas Jefferson) 4 July 1776 US Constitution 1787 drafted, 1788 accepted, 1789 put into effect George Washington elected US President (1789) Bill of Rights ratified in 1791
1800 – Washington DC becomes the capital 1849 – Gold Rush (J.London writes books about it) – Civil War resulting in abolishment of slavery (1863 Emancipation Proclamation) Gen. Lee surrendered to Gen. Grant 1865 President A. Lincoln assassinated by J.W. Booth in the Ford Theatre
G. Bell – telephone (1876) T.A. Edison – electric light (1879) H. Ford – car mass production (1896) Wright brothers – first flight (1905)
USA enters the war in 1917 after the Zimmermann Telegramme captured by British Intelligence W. Wilson, US President, helps TGM to form Czechoslovakia in 1918 USA is one of the winners and gets a war reparations
1929 – the stock market collaps, world economy ruined 1932 – the New Deal : a political and social programme by Franklin D. Roosevelt National parks founded, highways constructed
Dec 7, 1941 – Pearl Harbor attacked Dec 8, 1941 – USA declares war at Japan D-Day = invasion in Normandy VE-Day = victory in Europe (8 May 1945) Atomic bomb thrown at Hiroshima (6 Aug), Nagasaki (9 Aug) VJ-Day = victory in Japan (2 Sept 1945)
1950s – 1980s political conflict of Soviet Union and Western Allies 1963 – JFK assassinated in Dallas, TX 1960s – Civil Rights Movement (anti- segregation) Vietnam War (1973 US troops withdrawn) Watergate Affair – a political scandal, R. Nixon resigns
September 11, 2001 – World Trade Centre destroyed by terrorists 2003 – USA declares war at Iraq. Dictator Saddam Hussein captured and executed. Controversial policy of G. W. Bush