Warm up Now that Thanksgiving is over, You remember the food you ate and different drink you had; Using your smart phone, look for French names of different meal you enjoyed during Thanksgiving.
It’s very important for each student to understand questions and answers on page 144 from questions # 1,2,3,4 It’s also important for each student to understand expressions on page 155
On page 150, cd 5 Tr. 6, 7,8 On page 150, answer: qu’en penses-tu? And read: Savais-tu que…? **On page 151: how get someone’s attention; ordering food and beverages To get the server’s attention: Excusez-moi. Monsieur! Madame! Mademoiselle!
La carte, s’il vous plait. Le menu, please. The server may ask: Vous avez choisi? Have you decided/chosen? Vous prenez? What are you having? You might want to ask: Vous avez des jus de fruit? Qu’est-ce que vous avez comme boissons? What kind of drinks do you have?
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a boire? What is thereto drink? To order: Je voudrais un hamburger. Je vais rendre un coca, s’il vous plait…. I’II have …. please. UN sandwich, s’il vous plait….please. Donnez- moi un hot –dog, s’iI vous plait. Please give me… Apportez-moi une limonade, s’iI vous plait. Please bring me……
***Changing Gear*** * Think of our classroom as café with clients and servers. Open your textbook on page 147 Each student must be able to order food and beverages in French: J’ai soif. Je voudrais…un jus de pomme. J’ai faim ! Je voudrais… des crêpes.
Handouts ( pp.35-36, act 1-4. Travaux P. de G.) On page 14, do # 14 ** A la française** on page 151 Exit Ticket!!