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Video 1: Rate of Reaction Rate of Reaction affected by 5 factors: ↑ in Temperature ↑ in Rate of Rxn ↑ in Pressure (for gas) ↑ in Rate of Rxn ↑ in Conc. (for soln) ↑ in Rate of Rxn ↑ in Surface A. (for solid) ↑ in Rate of Rxn Addition of Catalyst ↑ in Rate of Rxn ©SimpleChemConcepts.com
Question from Top School ©SimpleChemConcepts.com Graph I: It shows the reaction between 1.0g of magnesium ribbon and excess 0.1M dilute hydrochloric acid at 25oC On the same axes, draw and label the following: GraphsFor reaction between IIReaction btw 0.5g of Mg ribbon & excess 0.1M dilute 25 o C IIIReaction btw 1.0g of Mg powder & excess 0.1M dilute 25 o C IVReaction btw 1.0g of Mg ribbon & excess 0.05M dilute 25 o C VReaction btw 1.0g of Mg ribbon & excess 0.1M dilute 15 o C Mass of H 2 gas / g t / s
Graph 1: Reaction btw 1.0g of Mg ribbon & excess 0.1M dilute 25 o C Analysis: Reaction Products: MgCl 2 salt + H 2 gas Mg determines the mass of H 2 gas produced Point where graph plateaus or levels off Mg has been used up Extrapolation to Y-axis Max. amount of H 2 gas produced Extrapolation to X-axis Time when rxn stops Mass of H 2 gas / g t / s Conditions: 1.0g of Mg ribbon Excess 0.1M dilute 25 o C ©SimpleChemConcepts.com
Graph Ⅱ : Reaction btw 0.5g of Mg ribbon & excess 0.1M dilute 25 o C Conditions: O.5g of Mg ribbon Excess 0.1M dilute 25 o C Analysis: All conditions same except half of Mg ribbon used Mass of H 2 gas produced to be half of Graph Ι Rxn stops/plateaus faster than Graph Ι Mass of H 2 gas / g t / s ©SimpleChemConcepts.com
Graph Ⅲ : Reaction btw 1.0g of Mg powder & excess 0.1M dilute 25 o C Conditions: 1.0g of Mg powder Excess 0.1M dilute 25 o C Analysis: All conditions same except Mg powder used Mass of H 2 gas produced to be same as Graph Ι Surface Area of solid reactant Rate of Reaction Initial gradient is steeper & slope plateaus off earlier Mass of H 2 gas / g t / s ©SimpleChemConcepts.com
Graph Ⅳ : Reaction btw 1.0g of Mg ribbon & excess 0.05M dilute 25 o C Conditions: 1.0g of Mg ribbon Excess 0.05M dilute 25 o C Analysis: All conditions same except conc. of excess HCl is halved Mass of H 2 gas produced to be same as Graph Ι Reactant particles per unit volume of solution ↓ Rate of Reaction ↓ Initial gradient is gentler & slope plateaus off later Mass of H 2 gas / g t / s ©SimpleChemConcepts.com
Graph Ⅴ : Reaction btw 1.0g of Mg ribbon & excess 0.1M dilute 15 o C Conditions: 1.0g of Mg ribbon Excess 0.1M dilute 15 o C Analysis: All conditions same except Temp. is reduced by 10 o C Mass of H 2 gas produced to be same as Graph Ι General Rule: Every 10 o C Doubles Rate of Rxn Rate of Rxn ↓ by half Take twice the amount of time for Rxn to stop Initial gradient is gentler & slope plateaus off much later Mass of H 2 gas / g t / s ©SimpleChemConcepts.com
Final Answer Mass of H 2 gas / g t / s ©SimpleChemConcepts.com
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