The Next Generation Creeping Bentgrass is Here
Newer bents vs. existing bents Short bentgrass development history –Varieties have different attributes –Overall quality is important Introduce Independence Creeping bentgrass Density and management Trial site ratings and photos Even newer generation on the way Video – new construction with Independence
Bentgrass Development History Penncross – 1955 –Superintendents have experience managing it –Aggressive, prostrate growth habit –Not as dense as newer varieties –Not as disease tolerant –Not able to withstand Poa encroachment as well –More management issues occurred as expectations increased and the height of cut was lowered over the years
Bentgrass Development History PennLinks –Originally developed primarily for greens –More upright growth habit PennEagle – 1978 –Originally developed primarily for fairways –Improvements over Penncross Penn A’s & G’s- early 90’s –Much more dense –Designed to handle lower height of cut –More intense management practices
Bentgrass Development History Southshore, Crenshaw, Providence,Century, SR 1119, Seaside,etc. –All were pretty good varieties when introduced in 80’s –90’s –Some were introduced to fit certain niches L-93 – released in mid 90’s –Developed at Rutgers University –Not as dense as new Penn varieties –Good disease resistance –Has become more widely accepted –Being used on fairways, greens, and tees
Independence Development History Long process to develop any new variety Independence is the first of a new generation Development goals –Improved overall turf quality over existing varieties –Easier to manage medium density –Flexible to be used on Fairways, Tees, and Greens –Improved overall disease resistance
Independence Development History Selected from very large collection of plants from fairways and greens from throughout the species range starting in the early 90’s – crosses and selections made Summer plants selected from several breeder blocks, isolated and cross pollinated
Bentgrass Spaced Plant Nursery
Bentgrass Spaced Plant Nursery Dollar Spot trial
Independence Development History August Breeder seed harvested August 2000 – Foundation field planted Jan.- March Plant breeders rougue foundation field Resulting in another generation of selection
Independence Development History August 2001 – Foundation field harvested and production acres planted Fall 2001 – Test plots planted at Universities August 2002 – First limited production August 2003 – First full crop available
Where can Independence be used? Fairways Greens Tees New construction Interseeding existing turf
Why is Independence so versatile? Medium density allows easier topdressing and management than more dense varieties Upright, aggressive growth habit Medium dark green color blends well with other bents Improved Dollar Spot resistance decreases management costs
Density Comparison (expressed in shoots per sq. inch) Penncross87-90 Pennlinks Providence L Independence Velvet bents350+ A-4, G Poa annua225
2003 NTEP Test Planted fall 2003 First data spring 2005 Independence Creeping bentgrass Declaration Creeping bentgrass Legendary Velvet bentgrass
Current Testing Sites (Previous to new NTEP) North Carolina State- Dr. Art Bruneau Virginia Tech – Dr. Eric Ervin Rutgers University – Dr. William Meyer CDGA –Dr. Randy Kane University of Nebraska – Dr. Bob Shearman
2002 Bentgrass Trial by NC State at CC of North Carolina Entry Low mow/ no fungicide Low mow/ with fungicide High mow/ no fungicide High mow/with fungicide Overall mean Independence5.9a6.2a6.9a7.1a6.6a Penn A-15.6ab5.8ab6.7a6.5abc6.2ab Penn A-45.2b-e5.1def6.0b6.4b-d5.7bc L-935.4a-d5.2def5.8bc5.9c-e5.6c Bengal5.0c-f5.4bcd6.0b6.1c-e5.6c Penn G-64.9d-g5.0def5.8bc5.8c-e5.4c Penncross4.4g4.4hi4.9d5.0fg4.7e LSD
Rutgers University 2002 Fairway Creeping bent test VARIETYTURF QUALITY Independence6.2 Bengal6.1 Brighton4.9 L Providence4.7 Southshore4.6 G-64.6 Regent4.5 Putter4.3 5%0.8
Fairway Height bentgrass trials at North Brunswick, NJ established September 2001
Rutgers University 2002 Greens Height Creeping bent test VarietyTurf Quality Independence5.8 Bengal5.8 Penn A-25.7 Penn A-45.5 Penn G-64.7 L Southshore4.0 Pennlinks3.7 Penncross3.0 5%0.7
Greens height Creeping Sept bentgrass trial at North Brunswick, NJ established
Greens height Creeping bentgrass trial at North Brunswick established Sept. 2001, NJ
Greens height Creeping bentgrass trial at North Brunswick, NJ established Sept. 2001
Arrowhead Golf Course New Construction Independence Creeping bentgrass on greens and tees Pennway bent blend on fairways Bluegrass sod on greens & tees surrounds Winning Colors Tall fescue blend- roughs Country Club Links Mix – far roughs
Arrowhead Golf Course Green seeded fall 2002
Fall 2002 seeded Independence Green
Fall 2002 seeded Independence green
Tee seeded with Independence using PennMulch
Two week old Independence tee box
Two week old Independence Green
An even newer generation is coming !
Arrowhead Golf Course Akron, NY Video detailing use of Independence creeping bentgrass
The next generation is here ! Questions ?