Abstract A pacemaker helps to control one of the most critical organs of the human body, the heart. Due to the level of importance of the pacemaker’s correct.


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Presentation transcript:

Abstract A pacemaker helps to control one of the most critical organs of the human body, the heart. Due to the level of importance of the pacemaker’s correct and accurate functionality, pacemakers are extensively tested using computer driven instrumentation. Furthermore, the software used to test pacemakers needs to go through rigorous testing and be granted certification through government agencies. The team will create a device using a microcontroller or FPGA that will translate commands proprietary to the previously used instrumentation into commands that can be used with newer, enhanced instrumentation. This will allow the team’s client to use existing, certified software programs with newer equipment while not having to totally re-certify all applications. This device will save the client time and resources, while still using reliable, certified test software. Acknowledgement The team would like to thank Max Cortner, and Andrew Garnett of Guidant for their financial and technical support throughout this project. Adam Guy, CprE Justin Koob, CprE Marc McKee, EE Adam Mishler, CprE Members Professor John Lamont Professor Ralph Patterson III Faculty AdvisorsClient Project Web Site Functional and Tested Prototype This device will be used internally at Guidant and will not be commercialized. Associated Software This will include any embedded software that is used with the microcontroller. Design Schematics A full design report will be provided, including a parts list, component layout, and any additional specifications that would be of any use. Design Report A design report to detail the entire project, as well as to provide Guidant with information that may aid in its certification process. The design report should also include information that will allow a qualified developer to modify the device to function with other instrumentation. Other Documentation Documentation that will detail test plans and their subsequent results, as well as a user manual and any other drafted documents. Project Schedule Gant Chart Personnel EffortsFinancial Requirements Introduction End Product Deliverables Dec05-05 Team Information Project Requirements Approach and Considerations Resources and Requirements Closing Summary Proposed Approach  Evaluate commands to be translated from computer system  Selection of appropriate technology for implementation of the device  Creation of device prototype  Programming of translator device to interact with Wavetek function generator  Testing of device translations to ensure proper functionality Technology Consideration  FPGA (field-programmable gate array)  Microcontroller (Intel, IBM, etc.)  Wavetek function generator  New instrumentation Testing Consideration  Lab testing of computer-translator-bus-function generator interface  Testing of individual commands translated to a single device  Large scale testing of translations to multiple devices  Client/third party demonstration testing Measurable Milestones  Formal definition of project scope  Selection of device technology  Product design  Development of working prototype  Prototype testing  Working prototype demonstration Design Objectives  Allow for easy installation and connectivity  Low maintenance design  Provide a design layout for future applications Functional Requirements  Ability to distinguish multiple destination addresses  Must be capable of both sending and receiving data  Interface must accurately translate Wavetek data  Must respond to only Wavetek data  Must adhere to IEEE STD-488 (GPIB bus) Adam Guy 172 hrs Adam Mishler 185 hrs Justin Koob 176 hrs Marc McKee 179 hrs Operating Environment  Primarily used in a lab setting  Device may be sensitive to ESD (electrostatic discharge)  Must be durable if not permanently installed Problem Statement Guidant currently uses a Wavetek Function Generator that receives proprietary commands via a GPIB (general purpose instrumentation bus) Bus. In the near future, Guidant may need to upgrade these function generators to a different, more capable model requiring newly formatted commands. In order to update the function generators, the testing software would need to be changed, essentially requiring extensive re-certification. The team has been tasked to design a device that will, instead of requiring a change in the testing software, be fitted in-line with the software and instrumentation to translate the old commands into commands recognizable by newer instrumentation. This approach should minimize the client’s re-certification obligations by only requiring certification of the device itself, and not the testing software. Users  Guidant Test Engineers  Qualified Associates Uses  Translate instrumentation commands  Maintain multiple device connections Assumptions  Device will not be re-programmable  Device will be used exclusively by Guidant Test Engineers  Easy connectivity between function generator and computer  Device will be implemented using an FPGA or Microcontroller  Any language (C, C++, Assembly) can be used to initially program the device Limitations  The bus interface will be GPIB (IEEE 488)  Commands to be translated will be intended for a Wavetek function generator  Must be sized to fit inside 19” testing rack Design Constraints  Must be molded to fit current software interface and its limitations  Must translate a given set of function demands  Must be sized to fit in a 19” rack As industrial testing technology is upgraded, many companies are required to go through extensive government certification processes. The replacement of outdated function generators in Guidant’s testing system would require a major amount of certification for new test software. In order to conveniently upgrade Guidant’s testing process, the team will design a hardware interface to interpret and convert data between testing software and the new function generators. By analyzing a set of functions for translation, the team will develop a device capable of accurate two-way data conversion for use by multiple function generators. With successful project completion, Guidant will be able to properly test devices without spending large amounts of resources on government approval. Testing SoftwareFunction GeneratorPacemaker Financial Resources Item:Cost: Poster Board$8.00 Poster Adhesive$5.00 Poster Lamination$ /hr$7, Total$7, Other Resources FPGA$ Microcontroller$25.00 GPIB Bus$ Various wires and connectors$ Total$1, Interface Device