IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee Report to Plugfest 9 Prepared by Robby Robson Chair, LTSC February 23, 2005 LTSC This work.


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Presentation transcript:

IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee Report to Plugfest 9 Prepared by Robby Robson Chair, LTSC February 23, 2005 LTSC This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License. To view a copy of this license, visit nd/2.0 or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. nd/2.0

February 23, 2005LTSC / AICC Report - Plugfest 9 2/18 LTSC Mission The IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee (LTSC) is chartered by the IEEE Computer Society Standards Activity Board to develop accredited technical standards, recommended practices, and guides for learning technology.

February 23, 2005LTSC / AICC Report - Plugfest 9 3/18 IEEE Standards Produced by the LTSC IEEE Standard for Learning Object Metadata (LOM) IEEE standard for learning technology- learning technology systems architecture (LTSA) IEEE Standard for Learning Technology - ECMAScript application programming interface for content to runtime services communication (SCORM API) – IEEE Standard for Learning Technology - Data Model for Content Object Communication (CMI Data Model)

February 23, 2005LTSC / AICC Report - Plugfest 9 4/18 LTSC Standards in Progress XML bindings of – CMI Data Model – LOM Learning, Education & Training Requirements for a Digital Rights Expression Language Resource Aggregation Models for Learning, Education and Training (early stages) Reusable Competency Definitions

February 23, 2005LTSC / AICC Report - Plugfest 9 5/18 General Program Bringing together communities while focusing on applications to learning Standards based on existing practice SCORM 2004 & future ADL work to be based on voluntary consensus standards In process of looking forward 3 – 5 years

February 23, 2005LTSC / AICC Report - Plugfest 9 6/18 Some Collaborations & Coordination Advanced Distributed Learning Aviation Industry CBT Committee CEN/ISSS Workshop – Learning Technology Digital Library Federation Dublin Core Metadata Initiative IEEE-CS Learning Technology Technical Committee IMS Global Learning Consortium ISO/IEC JTC1: SC36 (LET) & SC29 (MPEG)

February 23, 2005LTSC / AICC Report - Plugfest 9 7/18 Modus Operandi THE FIVE PRINCIPLES OF VOLUNTARY CONSENSUS STANDARDS 1. Openness 2. Consensus 3. Balance 4. Due Process 5. Right to Appeal Standards Development LTSC (IEEE Computer Society ) Standards Approval IEEE Standards Association

February 23, 2005LTSC / AICC Report - Plugfest 9 8/18 Participation in standards development Working Group reflectors, calls and meetings are open to all Votes are restricted to LTSC members ($200 per year dues) Working Groups use Breeze / Conference Calls Typically meet every week or every other week

February 23, 2005LTSC / AICC Report - Plugfest 9 9/18 LTSC Working Groups Learning Object Metadata – Chair: Wayne Hodgins (CA) – Technical Editor: Erik Duval (BE) CMI – Chair: Kerry Blinco (AU) – Technical Editor: Scott Lewis (US) Digital Rights Expression Languages – Chair: Magda Mourad (US/EG) – Technical Editor: Jon Mason (AU) Reusable Competency Definitions – Chair: Claude Ostyn (US)

February 23, 2005LTSC / AICC Report - Plugfest 9 10/18 Participation in standards approval* Run by IEEE Standards Association Requires membership in IEEE-SA Does not require membership in LTSC Governed by the 5 principles Opportunity (and commitment) to carefully examine and comment on standards * Through a balloting process

February 23, 2005LTSC / AICC Report - Plugfest 9 11/18 Summary Voluntary consensus standards body Have standardized foundational work Continuing work on XML Moving into future – now is the time to get involved

February 23, 2005LTSC / AICC Report - Plugfest 9 12/18 Questions Contact information: (LTSC Chair) (LTSC Treasurer) (LTSC Information Officer) (LTSC Vice Chair) (LTSC Secretary)

February 23, 2005LTSC / AICC Report - Plugfest 9 13/18 Unofficial AICC Update AICC actively engages in – Supporting aviation industry training – Maintaining existing specifications (many with wide adoption) – Evaluating and applying standards and techniques Most familiar work – CMI (integral to SCORM) – Test Suite and Certification

February 23, 2005LTSC / AICC Report - Plugfest 9 14/18 Active Newer Areas AICC LOM Profile – Developing vocabularies specific to aviation – Examining obligations of elements – Contributing to SC36 work Reusable Objects Working Group – AICC LOM Profile – Definitions of instructional terms – Reusability in mobile environments

February 23, 2005LTSC / AICC Report - Plugfest 9 15/18 Active Newer Areas CMI Offline Specification – Enabling tracking / synchronization with offline players Package Exchange Notification Services (PENS) – Automate transfer / update of content from authoring systems to LMS & Repositories.

February 23, 2005LTSC / AICC Report - Plugfest 9 16/18 Additional AICC Projects Simulations & Smart Graphics – A French company, I-Component, has implemented the draft Smart Graphics specification. Training Development Checklist – Identifies vital aspects of a quality CBT/Training program – Recommends standards and common components of a quality training program. – Used for RFP’s, budgets, program validation

February 23, 2005LTSC / AICC Report - Plugfest 9 17/18 AICC and SCORM Regular meetings to discuss common goals Points of convergence include – Web Services – Profiles of standards & specifications – Emerging technologies (mobile / hand-held)

February 23, 2005LTSC / AICC Report - Plugfest 9 18/18 AICC Web Site