Indiana Department of Education In collaboration with Indiana ACTE Indiana CTE New & Newer Teachers Workshop September 18, 2014 Indiana Department of Education In collaboration with Indiana ACTE
Indiana Department of Education A team dedicated to building an education system of equity and high quality
DOE’s STEM and CTE Team Peggy Wild, State Director for CTE Alyson McIntyre-Reiger, Work Based Learning & FACS Bill Reed, Mathematics Davis Moore, Trade & Industry Eric Ogle, Business, Entrepreneurship, IT, & Marketing Jeremy Eltz, STEM and Health Science Stefany Deckard, Agriculture & Perkins Tina Lovelady, Support for CTE and Perkins
DOE’s CTE Team
Conference Overview Today’s Agenda, Logistics Action Planning College & Career Pathways Good News about CTE Online Resources Workshop Topics
Conference Overview Today’s Agenda, Logistics Action Planning College & Career Pathways Good News about CTE Online Resources Workshop Topics
Conference Overview Today’s Agenda, Logistics Action Planning College & Career Pathways Good News about CTE Online Resources Workshop Topics
Conference Overview Today’s Agenda, Logistics Action Planning College & Career Pathways Good News about CTE Online Resources Workshop Topics
Indiana College & Career Pathways A Pathway is an aligned sequence of secondary and postsecondary courses that leads to industry certification and/or a college credential or degree in a high wage, high demand occupation. 9
Indiana College & Career Pathways Organized by Career Clusters Clusters are groupings of occupations Based on economic sectors and Sets of knowledge & skills required Nationally – 16 clusters Indiana – organized into 12 clusters 10
Indiana Career Clusters 2013 - 2014 and beyond Agriculture Agribusiness Life Sciences Horticulture Architecture & Construction Construction Trades Facilities Management Drafting & Design Arts, AV & Communications Digital Communications Visual Arts Business, Finance & Marketing Finance & Accounting Entrepreneurship Marketing Education & Training Early Childhood Education Education Careers Health Science Biomedical Health Care Specialties Nursing Dental Hospitality & Human Services Culinary Arts Hospitality Human & Social Services Cosmetology Information Technology Programming Network Support Manufacturing & Logistics Advanced Manufacturing Electronics Logistics Machining Welding Public Safety Criminal Justice EMT/Paramedics Fire & Rescue STEM Technical & Professional Careers integrating Engineering Technology Science Mathematics Transportation Automotive Diesel Collision Repair Aviation Mobile Equipment Tractor Trailer
What’s Different About Pathways? Sequenced courses Rigorous academics integrated into course standards Based on industry standards, industry needs Lead to college credits, industry recognized certification or both Make students ready for the next steps 12
Indiana College & Career Pathways Pathways is a philosophy Logical sequence of courses Plan for high school into college and career State models can be customized and individualized Pathways template can be used to build other pathways The state EXPECTS students to explore careers and develop a pathway plan along with their 4-year graduation plans
Conference Overview Today’s Agenda, Logistics Action Planning College & Career Pathways Good News about CTE Online Resources Workshop Topics
Part I – State CTE Data
1. 2/3’s of ALL Indiana students in CTE in 2012-13 Two-thirds of all Indiana high school students are enrolled in one or more CTE courses 2/3’s of ALL Indiana students in CTE in 2012-13
2. 2/3’s of ALL Indiana students in CTE in 2012-13 In the last 5 years, CTE enrollments have increased by 35%! 2/3’s of ALL Indiana students in CTE in 2012-13
4. 2/3’s of ALL Indiana students in CTE in 2012-13 Indiana CTE graduates record their highest graduation rate ever in 2013 2/3’s of ALL Indiana students in CTE in 2012-13
3. 2/3’s of ALL Indiana students in CTE in 2012-13 Consistently, graduation rates for CTE concentrators have been 6 to 7 percentage points higher than the average for all students 2/3’s of ALL Indiana students in CTE in 2012-13
5. CTE graduates have significantly higher ECA graduation examination passage rates than all other seniors
6. 88.6% of CTE students passed their Technical Skills Assessments
7. 66.6% of CTE students completed a College and Career Pathway
8. Almost 1/3 of Indiana CTE graduates left high school with an industry- recognized certification in 2012-13
9. The percentage of CTE graduates earning college credits while in high school rose more than 10% in just one year from 2012 to 2013
10. College remediation rates for CTE graduates are consistently lower than remediation rates for all other students
Conference Overview Today’s Agenda, Logistics Action Planning College & Career Pathways Good News about CTE Online Resources Workshop Topics
Conference Overview Today’s Agenda, Logistics Action Planning College & Career Pathways Good News about CTE Online Resources Workshop Topics
Indiana Department of Education In collaboration with Indiana ACTE Indiana CTE New & Newer Teachers Workshop September 18, 2014 Indiana Department of Education In collaboration with Indiana ACTE
Concluding Session Key Takeaways/Action Planning College & Career Pathways Good News about CTE Online Resources Powerful Instructional Strategies Recruiting, Expanding Capacity
Concluding Session Connections Affiliates Communities of Practice List Serves Learning Communities Logistics Action Planning, Evaluation
Concluding Session Thank You – We’re Glad You Came!