PURPOSEFUL AND CONCISE J.M. KENNEY LACROSSE SCOTLAND – HEAD COACH EDITOR: LACROSSE COACH NEWSLETTER Scouting Scouting is an integral part of the game- not an after-thought.
Scouting 101 Scout Yourself First ! Understand your strengths and weaknesses. How would someone exploit your squad? Use the former head coach ( if not he has not usurped by the parents*) or a former player. The Scout must know your tendencies. Must be able to observe the opposition always with a mind toward your squad. Information is helpful only if it is helpful. Example: Team A has a goalie that does not clear well. Team B jumps the Goalie immediately after a save; Your goalie is former all –Long Lsland & QB - must look for the exploitation outlet, not the jump – Think ahead.
Scouting 101 Different Coaches – different formats: : some coaches use tape recorders, some utilize software programs. Others still use paper and pencil. How one takes down the information is less important than the information itself. Do not prepare a radically different game plan – utilize your basic sets and tweak, not cannibalize your schemes. Too much change will confuse your players. Rather, focus on aspects of strategy(s) that can take advantage of your opponent. Be cunning – not a schemer*
Scouting 101 Choose the venue based on schedule: Grass vs. Turf Night game vs. Saturday afternoon Home vs. away – Know the opposing coach’s philosophy a head of time. Up -tempo? Slow and methodical Transition Trickster ( ball tricks, quick whistle plays)
Scouting 101 Check the local paper/on line sources preliminary information can be gleaned from the papers before you personally scout; be judicious about the type of information that you glean. Stats are fine, but a one game statistically basis can be misleading. Have a team manager or parent cut out any and all opponent newspaper write-ups* as this will provide a more balanced view Obtain a roster Nowdays – parents demand them at games and most are on line Have your AD request one – at the beginning of season
Scouting 101 Field Conditions: Obviously, take note of the type of field, the cut of the grass and the size of the field (there is quite a range by HS rule). These will assist in determining speed of the players. Take note as well as the background behind the goals ( it is tough to play at the Carrier Dome as a goalie and I am told that one end is tougher than the other), Location of scoreboard Check and note the lighting – including time of day sunset of game
Scouting 101 A lacrosse program should have a standard format for scouting. Don’t just send an assistant out with a camera and blank sheet of paper. Get there early – Watch warm ups – intensity* Note injured players Have all the necessary items Notebook Writing Utensils Camera Good viewing /no distractions
Scouting 101. Timeouts: Not only should the scout use the time outs to write down their thoughts, but care should be taken to note how the time out was taken Was it used to stop momentum? Was it used to set up a play? Which one? Was it used effectively ? Army,Syracuse come to mind immediately). Is this a hustling, hard riding opponent? Do they utilize a 10 Man ride? When do they employment ( on a shot? On a ball out of bounds?)
Scouting 101 What to film? Depends – How much are you going to watch? Do you show your players?* Suggestions A quarter- 2 nd or 3 rd – they are in thick of it EMO Faceoff Ride What to notice? Opener? OB Special set plays
Scouting 101 What to include: Shooting Chart: All teams have shooting tendencies. A solid scouting report should include the shooting tendencies of your opponent. Where do most shots initiate? How accurate are their shooters A simple shooting chart can be developed
Scouting 101 Reporting to the team Create confidence, but don’t oversell. Much of coaching engenders and demands loyalty from the players. To develop loyalty one must be credible. Therefore do not try to panic or infuse unnecessary worry in your players. Be realistic – even about winning. Let’s face it, there are some teams that are bigger, faster and better than yours may be – and no amount of scouting insight is going to change that; however, in such cases a good scouting report can help you be competitive. Don’t Guess! D.M.S.U. Players are always seeking an advantage. If a player asks a question about a team that you have not seen or know if it happen on the field, don’t pontificate as if you did. “If you didn’t see it, don’t say it.”
Scouting 101 Some scouting reports are too detailed and are left on the locker- room benches due to their over-load of information** The power of 2 1. What do we need to do to beat this team? a. Keys to Victory (who gets the ball?) b. What is the focus- what can we do? c. Possible m2m match ups and what it will take to stop your man. 2- What things do we need to cover in practice before we play them? Cover them – Don’t practice until you get things right – practice them until you can’t get them wront
In (during) game scouting Use the Assistant Coach/Manager Give them an actual assignment Faceoff moves Identify their rides, clears, EMO Use your players Scotland vs CW Post.
Scouting 101 Attack Oriented – solid Offensive middies Transition – do not slide up-field 99 weakest link – look to double if below GLE Delay slide to 44 Middie on Ride – look to utilize 10 man The real work comes scouting and in practice
Scouting 101