BUDGETING PROCESS Denise Wolff, Director School Finance Business Manager Forum April 8, 2014
What You Should Have General Fund Enrollment Projection General Fund Staffing Decisions General Fund Basic Expenditure Projection for Utilities General Fund Projected Department Expenditures General Fund Revenue and Expenditures ASB Budget – Student Developed Capital Projects Budget Revenue and Expenditures Debt Fund Revenue and Expenditures Transportation Fund Revenue and Expenditures All Funds Beginning Fund Balance Projection
Education Data System The State Budget Revenue F-203 Document ( or F-203X) Keep a copy of your 203x projection as it will disappear when the actual F-203 is put out. The F-203 will be available about 2 weeks after the budget is done. F-195 The F-195 was released 4/7/14 Federal Grant Funding Information-iGrants Allocations
F-203x Option Refer to the ABFR Manual on OSPI’s site F-203 Screen Shots F-203 Data Dictionary F-203 Screen Edits Refer to the John Jenft Sheet Item Codes Hold Harmless Blank K-3 High Poverty
Federal Budget Sequestration continues If you budget a portion of the grants in 5-9 object code, you can make adjustments there The Federal Special Ed Allocation will be available on OSPI’s igrants site. (IDEA, 611 & 619) WebPages/HomePages/Allocations/AllocationsHome.aspx WebPages/HomePages/Allocations/AllocationsHome.aspx The Title 1 Allocation will be available on OSPI’s budget page.
State Budget The John Jenft Sheet Available on OSPI’s Budget Preparation Page shows the various options under consideration. Use conservative numbers from the pivot table on the OSPI Budget Pages. Remember the Pivot Table is based on January 2014 data Build some contingency/capacity into your budget.
Review Coding GL 250 GF, CPF & TVF – Local Program Proceeds GL 660 GF – Unearned Revenue GL 750 ALL – Unavailable Revenue GL 760 ALL – Unavailable Revenue-Taxes Receivable GL 819 Restricted to TVF and ASB GL 830 to DSF – Restricted for Debt Service EXCEPT forest revenue-based net assets GL 831 GF – ESD Compensated Absences Buyback GL 840 CP – Non-spendable Fund Balance GL 861 is Restricted from Bond Proceeds GL 862 is Committed from Levy Proceeds GL 889 Forest Money in DSF
Program Codes 22 Special Education Infants and Toddlers – State Record expenditures for providing early intervention services to all children with disabilities from birth to age 3. Once a child reaches age 3, record expenditures in Program Special Education Infants and Toddlers – Federal Record expenditures for providing early interventions services to all children with disabilities from birth to age 3, under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Once a child reaches age 3, record relevant expenditures in Program State Dropout Reengagement - Only approved 1418 version in-house programs - see list on OSPI’s site Same allowable object, activity and duty as program 02
Activity & Object Codes Activity 31-Professional Development Activity 32-Instructional Technology are important aspects of your fiscal reporting Activity 33-Curriculum in all programs except 97,98, & 99 Objects 0,2,3,4,5,7,8 and 9 Refer to 4/7/14 SAFS Message for duty codes Object 8 Travel Activities 62, 63, and 64 in Program 45 Skills
Newer Revenue Codes Opened the following in the TVF: 4100 Special Purpose—Unassigned Other State Agencies—Unassigned General Purpose Direct Federal Grants—Unassigned Special Purpose—OSPI Unassigned Direct Special Purpose Grants Federal Grants Through Other Entities—Unassigned. Opened Revenue 8522 Educational Service Districts— Special Education Infants and Toddlers
Newer Revenue Codes Added Revenue Accounts 6140 Impact Aid—Construction and 6340 Impact Aid— Construction in all columns. Added Revenue Account 5600 Qualified Bond Interest Credit—”Federal” in all columns. Added Revenue Special Education Multiple Special Education – Infants and Toddlers relating to Programs 22 and 25 are added to Chapter 5 of the Accounting Manual.
Other Items Enrollment projections are on the Business Manager Document site Tax Pages are posted to site Double check your levy data Remember that your budget summary page is the document the assessors use to levy taxes
Further Discussion