Click the mouse to advance the presentation. Press Esc key to close. Vocabulary Crossword 1-1
HARDWARE… Are all the computer parts that you can see or touch: Mouse Monitor Speakers Keyboard
SOFTWARE… Are the Computer programs that tell a computer how to work: Photo Editing Games Movie Making Document Creation
MONITOR… Resembles a TV and is where the computer displays information.
KEYBOARD… Is what you type on, to tell your computer what to do.
MOUSE… Is the device that you use to communicate with your computer. They come in a large variety of shapes.
PRINTER… Where the computer writes down information or output onto paper or a hardcopy.
INPUT… Is any device that lets you talk to your computer. Keyboard Mouse Microphone
OUTPUT Is any device that lets the computer talk to you, such as monitor or speakers.
Central Processing Unit(CPU)… Is the c omputer’s brain or heart that processes all data (Does all the processing).
LAPTOP… Is a portable version of a PC or Mac that can run on batteries.
RAM… Is the Computer’s temporary storage place where it gets work done. When you use a word processor to type a letter, the letter is stored in the computer’s memory.
UPGRADE… Is when you replace older components with newer components to improve the computer’s performance.