Working with Student Helpers
Objectives Recruiting student helpers Effective communication Prepping student helpers Kitchen Safety Not-So-Helpful Helpers How to reward student help
Recruiting Student Help Make Connections – Talk to the office staff Offer to speak at a beginning of the school year meeting to staff – Talk to teachers Ask about community service hours – Talk to students They may prefer to help out at serving rather than going to recess Rewards!
Effective Communication Treat them how you would like to be treated Lay out the ground rules – Carefully explain what is expected – Check to see that they understand instructions Be patient – Newer helpers may take time to learn Be careful of what might be considered “inappropriate” contact with students
Safety in the Kitchen A safe kitchen is a happy kitchen Ensure knives are in a safe area Only adults can take items out of the warmer and ovens Do not allow students to carry full milk crates – Use dollies Report all accidents to Risk Management – Student helpers are people too
Prepping Student Workers Be organized – Students should be there 5 minutes before service – Have aprons and gloves set out – Collect cards – Sleeves up, hair back – Make sure they wash their hands “Surgery hands” after gloves are on Have a plan for the help – Pre-assigned (draw cards or randomly assign them) – Rotate positions if there for longer time Set up risers for smaller helpers – No white stools
Food Safety Demo how to sneeze or cough into arm/elbow Keep hands to themselves If students have a break between service times: Have them re-wash hands New gloves and aprons after eating, washing tables, and/ or bathroom break Set half eaten food away from service line and prepped food
Training Inform students about the options – What is “special” about it – Tell this to customers – Keep food comments positive Everyone has different tastes Demo how to portion foods Demo how to serve food – “Placing” vs “Throwing” Demo SAM
Make it FUN! Have a team cheer before starting service Have students compete on who can “sell” more – Give them the chance for a re-match On special days offer opportunity to wear special clothing – Dr. Seuss Hat – Breakfast Cape Remind them each task is important
Bad Apples If a student is difficult- let them go Do not tolerate: – Bad language – Put downs – Throwing food – Poor food safety – Stealing Let their teacher/principal know about the situation – Decide if they will be allowed back
Rewarding Help Hold their choice of entrée for them – Do not offer “extras” or “seconds” Say “Thank You” Offer non-food prizes – Highlight student help – Praise them when they go above and beyond Invite them back