X BOX 360 By Marcel
W HO INVENTED THE XBOX 360 Michel Jager, Justin Kirby, Don coyer, Ornelia Wong,Kara Fulmer, Malcolm Buic, David Evens, Russ Glassier, Sue Magnison, and Candace Bamberger.
H OW LONG DID IT TAKE AND WHEN WAS IT RELEASED The xbox360 came out in stores November, 22, 2005 The Xbox360 took over 2 years to make.
W HAT COMPANIES MANUFACTURE THE DEVICE ? W HAT WAS THE PRICE RANGE ? Microsoft manufactures the xbox360. The price range for the xbox360 when it first was released was $350 but subsequently went down to around $200 to $250. the device can be found at almost any game store.
W HAT IS DIGITAL ETIQUETTE ? W HAT GUIDE LINES CAN YOU OFFER FOR APPROPRIATE USE OF THIS DEVICE. Digital etiquette is etiquette for usage of digital devices. A guideline I can give is don’t curse on Xbox live. And don’t attack people on your team in first person shooter games and multiplayer games.
A RE THERE ACCESSORIES o There are a lot of accessories for the xbox360 o Headphones o Travel case o Face plate o Customized controllers o Steering wheel o Head set o Keyboard o System cooler o Memory drive o Drum set o Guitar o Camera o Wireless adapter o mouse
C ONTINUED ACCESSORIES Battery pack Rechargeable battery pack Battery charging port Controller sticker Racing wheel cover Controller holder Remote Kinect Joy stick Flashing lights controller Dance pad Multiple controller holder Wireless helmet Xbox live pack Xbox live for phones
H OW LONG DO YOU THINK IT WILL LAST I think the xbox360 will continue to be a best seller because of its H.D. graphics, endless accessories and eye catching design. I believe that the Xbox360 will always be competing with newer game but with its millions of fans it will still be the best.
RESOURCES David Kemp Google.com