ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION We assert that we are not powerless over our addiction; that the strength, to cope with and overcome it, lies within us. We assert that it is part of the blueprint of life that each person inherently knows right from wrong: We assert that the blueprint of life has provided us with a mechanism to cope with and overcome addiction, whether we believe that a greater power was responsible for the blueprint, or that it came about as a result of a chance coming together of amino acids. We acknowledge that our behaviour, as result of succumbing to our addiction or otherwise, has caused harm to others and ourselves.
ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION We take full responsibility for our behaviour and do not blame our predisposition to addiction but only our lack of control over it. We acknowledge that we are not able to change the direction, nor the pace, of the arrow of time in this dimension: The past is behind us and cannot be changed. The future is influenced by the choices we make in the present. We will always be mindful not to judge or ridicule others for their beliefs or methods. We will never attempt to convince or coerce anyone into accepting our approach.
ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION We acknowledge the existence of interconnectivity between all living things. We accept that our actions influence others, directly as well as indirectly. We assert that overcoming addiction is only the first step and that we will measure our actions and responses – past and present. We commit to lending assistance, at all times, to other addicts in their recovery within the ambits of these Articles, and to be supportive of those whose recovery falls outside of it.