EXCERPT NOUN A passage taken from a book, article, etc. VERB To take such a passage; To quote SYNONYMS (N) portion, section, extract
Collaborate VERB To work with; work together SYNONYMS Team Up, Join forces ANTONYMS Work Alone
Evolve VERB To develop gradually; to rise to a higher level SYNONYMS Unfold, Emerge ANTONYMS Wither, Shrivel Up, Atrophy
Plaudits NOUN (Plural) Applause; Enthusiastic praise or approval SYNONYMS Cheers, Acclaim ANTONYMS Boos, Disapproval, Ridicule
Wrangle VERB To quarrel or argue in a noisy, angry way; to obtain by argument; to herd NOUN A noisy quarrel SYNONYMS (V) Squabble, Bicker ANTONYMS (V) Agree, Concur
Discordant ADJECTIVE Disagreeable in sound, jarring; lacking in harmony, conflicting SYNONYMS Grating, Shrill, Different, Divergent ANTONYMS Harmonious, In agreement
preclude VERB To make impossible, prevent, shut out SYNONYMS Hinder, Check, Stop ANTONYMS Help, Promote, Facilitate
Hover VERB To float or hang suspended over; to move back and forth uncertainly over or around SYNONYMS Linger, Waver, Seesaw ANTONYMS Soar
Churlish ADJECTIVE Lacking politeness or good manners; lacking sensitivity; difficult to work with or deal with; Rude SYNONYMS Surly, ill-tempered ANTONYMS Courteous, Civil, Well-mannered
Laggard NOUN A person who moves slowly or falls behind ADJECTIVE Falling behind; Slow to move, act, or respond SYNONYMS (N) Slowpoke, Straggler (ADJ) Sluggish ANTONYMS (N) Early bird (ADJ) Swift, Speedy, Prompt