Annie Bravo! Rongrong Miao
Annie is a little girl living in a small town. She has a peaceful life. Every day, when her parents go out for work, she plays with her little friends. They sing, they dance and play games with each other.
When she grows up a little, she have more friends. More people have moved in this small town, and life has become busier. Across the shopping plaza, vendors sell hot dogs and croissant sandwiches. She buys a sandwich for breakfast every day.
Life in this small town is always colorful. Annie has fun with her friends every day. Her best friend is Andrea, who is a smart sculpture. They sometimes watch films together.
Annie is a smart girl, she noticed that changes are happening in this small town. In the past, Annie walked to school, but now, her parents drive her to school. In the past, there were no traffic jam on the road, but now she had to wait one hour on the road. In the past there were only people walking on the street, but now, there are cars, trucks and trains.
Also, she noticed that something has happened to her friend Andrea. She used to be a pretty little girl just like Annie, but now her eyes was hurt and she could only see stuff by using one eye, which made her feel terrible. She decided to find out what really happened.
She asked a really smart scientist, who owns a large chemistry laboratory if he can help her. And he agreed. He pulled out his equipment, and run a throughout test on Andrea to see what’s the cause of the problem.
The scientist found out that it’s the acid rain which is caused by pollution emitted from traffic causing Andrea to be sick. And the scientist said that if nothing will be changed, Andrea will probably die. Annie is very worried.
So Annie and her friends have a discussion together and try to figure out a way to save Andrea. And finally they think that growing trees would help to absorb the pollutants and that may cure Andrea.
Thus, Annie and her friends start to grow trees in the local community.
After a period of time, Andrea is getting better. The scientist think that she will finally recover from the illness thanks to what her friends have done.
The friends are really happy about that. They can’t wait to tell everyone at school.