Modernet, a network for development of new techniques for discovering trends in occupational and work-related diseases and tracing new and emerging risks IS1002 Start date: 09/11/2010 End date: 08/11/2014 Year: 2 Annet Lenderink Vice-Chair NCOD Coronel Institute - AMC Amsterdam Netherlands
2 Scientific context and objectives (1/2) Background / Problem statement: Occupational diseases (ODs) impose a heavy burden on both workers and employers and represent enormous economic costs. In general, the information on incidence and prevalence of occupational diseases is rather poor and inconsistent between countries. There is an urgent need for new methods and instruments to trace new and emerging occupational health (OH) risks. Brief reminder of MoU objectives: Establish and maintain a network of collaborating centres for exchange of information and progress on Improving data quality Developing new techniques for discovering trends Developing new techniques for tracing new and emerging Occupational Health risks Using new techniques for dissemination and discussion to provide high quality information to be used for prevention
3 Scientific context and objectives (2/2) Research directions: Initiate, stimulate and coordinate knowledge exchange between research groups and research centres at the forefront of research in occupational and work-related health risks Initiate and stimulate joint research projects Innovate in the development of a comprehensive view on occupational health vigilance based on the “disease first approach” and using the experiences of pharmacovigilance (post-marketing surveillance of drugs)
4 Working groups 1.Working group 1: Improvement of quality of data collection 2.Working group 2: Application of new techniques and methods for analysis of trends 3.Working group 3: New techniques for tracing newly occurring occupational diseases 4.Working group 4: Dissemination and implementation of new knowledge on occupational diseases
5 Results vs. Objectives Goals/objectives ResultsChallenge Knowledge exchange between research centres at the forefront of research in OH risks; on methodology as well as exchanges about cases of (potential) new OD Achieved in WG meetings and presentation sessions and at the international congress on Tracing New Occupational Diseases and on the website Involve parties at the forefront of research in the field Execute short term scientific missions to learn from each participant’s strengths in research In the 1st year no STSMs, in the second year 1 granted. STSM coordinator appointed More STSMs needed Initiate and stimulate joint research projects Joint publication on work-related asthma (F and UK) Other joint research activities considered Innovate in the development of a comprehensive view on occupational health vigilance (Pilot) Studies on different aspects of OH vigilance: data quality, reporting, trends analysis, statistical methods, data mining techniques, case reports Focus and joint research
6 Significant Highlights in Science or Networking(1/2) International congress Tracing New Occupational Diseases on 7-8 April 2011 in Amsterdam under auspices of the Dutch group Organized together with ICOH SCOM > 100 participants, international experts in occupational diseases from all over the world 22 new and emerging OH-risks discussed Publication of proceedings and articles in peer reviewed journal Vol.3,No.1,Mar.2012
7 Significant Highlights in Science or Networking (2/2) Important publications on discovering trends include: Joint publication of the French and UK teams concerning new methodologies to highlight trends in occupational diseases Paris et al. (2012) Work-related asthma in France: recent trends for the period Occup Environ Med Mar 1. [Epub ahead of print] Publication showing how favourable downward trends in occupational disease incidence (e.g. asthma and dermatitis) can be demonstrated at a national level following statutory intervention (e.g. following EU directive on CrVI) or other control measures. Stocks et al. (2011) Has European Union legislation to reduce exposure to chromate in cement been effective in reducing the incidence of allergic contact dermatitis attributed to chromate in the UK? Occup Environ Med Feb;69(20: Epub 2011 Aug.17
Effect of EU directive on allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) from chromate (CrVI) EU Directive Jan 2005 The incidence rate ratio (IRR) of allergic contact dermatitis after the 2005 EU directive limiting the Cr content of cement, comparing ACD in construction workers attributed to chromate with that not attributed to chromate (THOR data from the University of Manchester, UK) Stocks et al Occup. Env. Med
9 Challenges There were significant changes in the core group, since the Chair stepped down and had to be replaced also as WG-leader. We did not succeed in starting STSMs in the first year, although there were some workplace visits from researchers to other participating institutes. To stimulate STSMs in 2012, a STSM coordinator is appointed. For the upcoming year it is critical to collect information about the databases and surveillance systems available in each country as a prerequisite to establish guidelines for the best methodologies to involve more relevant parties, both within the participating countries as in other COST countries to stimulate a balanced contribution from the various participants to initiate surveillance schemes in the countries that do not have such systems, building them on the experiences of the other countries. to use the collaborating space of the Action’s website better
10 Grant Holder: Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam Mrs. A.F.Lenderink Netherlands Action Parties
11 Action participants
12 Use of COST Instruments Activity (No.)Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4 MC/WG Meetings2/2(2)/(2)/1 STSMs[2]1[1] Training Schools00 Workshops or Conferences 10 Joint Publications01