East Sussex Care Homes Guidance tool Kay Muir: EOLC Programme Lead, East Sussex PCTs and EHS CCG Mark Da Rocha: Project Manager, Service Development & Care Guidance, EHS CCG
Background Past 2 years various guidance tools have been presented to the members of the Older People Residential and Nursing Care Home Forum in the form of: Key focus on high quality care and admission avoidance with resident care (family members) at the forefront EOLC pathway and tools e.g. ACP, LCP and DNACPR Improved communication system in and out of hours- Robin Warshafsky presentation High Quality of care and avoidable emergency attendances and admission e.g work by Julie Sands on UTI and COPD pathways work
Documents shared as developed and circulated by ESCC as part of promoting good practice Historically this has been “bity” Feedback from care home about lots of different input including the care home in reach services, sometimes overwhelming and possibly confusing Positive feedback and experience as a result of use of tools such as ACP and LCP In response to feedback combined with Health and Social Care discussion resulted in agreement to develop a Care Home Guidance tool Approach to use similar to the Good Practice Dementia Guide RCHA members to be consulted
Contributors- Care Guidance tool Dr Robin Warshafsky - Developed Out of Hours (OOH) | GP - Woodhill Surgery Jo Cook- EHS use of In Hours guidance for Care Homes | Primary Care Locality Manager | EHS CCG Jo Cook- EHS use of Homely Remedies | Primary Care Locality Manager | EHS CCG Ann Barrett - Occupational Therapist | East Sussex Care and Nursing Support Services (ESCANS) | ESHT Gail Bright - Dietetic Support | Community Nutrition Support Dietician | ESHT Carolyn Skilton | Susan Stocks - End of Life Care Support | Learning and Development | St Wilfrid’s Hospice Jane Marquesen | Wendy Andrew - End of Life Care Support | Learning and Development | St Michael’s Hospice Caroline Moyes | Jo Barnes - EOLC e-Learning | EOLC Workforce Development | East Sussex County Council Stephenie Giles - Dementia Care | End of Life Care in Dementia | NHS Sussex Eleanor Langridge - Tools for Care Home and Promotion of Advanced Care Planning | RIF EOLC & Dementia | NHS Sussex Darren Elliott -Care Home Support Guidance | Contracts & Purchasing | East Sussex CC Julie Sands - Successful Care Home tools to reduce emergency admissions | Advanced Care Nurse Practitioner | ESHT Christina Short - Medicines Review | Community Pharmacist Nicola Young - Urgent and Integrated Care links | Whole Systems Joint Commissioner Elizabeth Davis - Pathways | SEC Ambulatory Service Madeleine Mayhew - Communications Manager | EHS CCG Kay Muir - EOLC Programme Lead, East Sussex PCTs and EHS CCG
We value your comments 1st working draft outline Contents- anything missed Working with Communications to discuss options and best way of presentation, accessibility and ease of use Keen to have engagement and feedback from this group and RCHA members response to inform Guidance tools and their format
Thank You Kay Muir, Programme Lead, End of Life Care Address: Room F12, 36-38 Friars Walk, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2PB Tel: 01273 485335 | mobile: 07500 077 915 Email: kay.muir@nhs.net Mark Da Rocha : Project Manager, Care Home Guidance & Service Development Same address as above Tel: 01273 403569 | mobile: 07725 147 999 Email: markdarocha@nhs.net