Safeguarding Adults Board 6 th Annual Conference.


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Presentation transcript:

Safeguarding Adults Board 6 th Annual Conference

WDSAB Achievements during 2013/14 These are the main highlights of the performance year. The comments at the end are from people who have been subject to the safeguarding procedures to the case conference stage and what their experiences of the procedures were. i.e. the Outcomes

April 2013 Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Conference Theme: Using Legislation to Protect People Peter Edwards was the keynote speaker with four workshops looking at how we can use different legislation to protect people

WDSAB Newsletter Introduced April 2013

May 2013 Appointed First Independent Chair – Bill Hodson

Notification of Concern (NOC) has been produced. An information gathering process on service provider quality issues May 2013

June 2013 Challenging Behaviour Steering Group was established to oversee actions arising from the Winterbourne View SCR – A multi agency group providing reassurance reports to the WDSAB on activity.

July 2013 Root Cause Analysis (RCA) report and action plan commissioned by WDSAB Serious case review initial panel was completed and work on the actions commenced; Discharge procedures from Horizon Centre S.117 Database S.117 Updated Policy Overseen by WDSAB and reported upon at Coroner’s Inquest

September 2013 Bespoke training delivered by David Sheppard to police and social work audience on joint working to achieve successful prosecutions /outcomes under S44 MCA 2005.

September 2013 Networking Event: Back to Basics - Safeguarding

November 2013 Partnership Investigation Training The training consisted of: –Safeguarding procedures –Mental capacity –Basics investigation –Working through a case study from 2010 which went to Coroner’s Inquest and was subject of a rule 43 letter. –This is the largest adult safeguarding partnership training ever undertaken in Wakefield.

December 2013 Achieving Best Evidence (ABE) Training Bespoke training commissioned for 12 adult social workers and 4 officers from the Police Adult Safeguarding Unit. The ABE training has placed Wakefield in the forefront of joint working nationally as this is not yet a common practice in adult safeguarding!

December 2013 WDSAB Development Session held in WDH HQ, Castleford.

January 2014 The Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Adults Wakefield CCG has been active all year promoting safeguarding adults with all the GP practices. A GP letter has been devised to inform GP’s when a patient is subject of a safeguarding protection plan. Case Conference Appeals Process introduced to support a natural justice process.

February 2014 New Large Scale Investigation (LSI) templates introduced. Consultation with operations, commissioners and legal. Trialled and accepted into use. Bespoke safeguarding templates to record provider only quality issues which involve commissioners / sometimes legal and can be very challenging.

February 2014 Networking Event: Back to Basics – Mental Capacity

March 2014 Bespoke Chairing Skills Training All team managers who chair safeguarding meetings Admin support staff from WMDC / MYHT / SWYPFT New minutes protocol developed All aimed at achieving greater consistency and meeting timescales

Closer working with the Children’s Safeguarding Board March 2014 Joint Development Session with the Safeguarding Children’s Board Develop joint sessions on domestic violence and child sexual exploitation linked to transitions / learning disability and Mental Capacity Act. Feasibility of section 11 audit including adults Alignment of Annual reports and reporting to overview bodies

Completed safeguarding surveys = 38 Satisfaction rate = 92% Felt safe = 82% Felt included = 78% Views taken into account = 89% Felt safer as a result (influenced = 57% By family member completing) Made a difference to their life = 81% Service User Survey Outcomes

Service User Survey comments I was able to voice my concerns, questions were answered fully I felt totally involved in the safeguarding process at all times so I don’t think this aspect could be improved In my own experience the procedures were excellent Included fully. I was given a lot of time to get my views across I felt totally included throughout the safeguarding process

Service User Survey comments I am happy that I was believed and someone took me seriously I felt listened to and believed I/we couldn’t have felt any more included – we were kept fully informed. In such a stressful situation like this I/we felt that we couldn’t have been better supported I felt at ease throughout the process. I was able to speak of how I felt without any intimidation from others Things have changed 100%