Sustainable Community Strategy – Cohesive and Strong Communities Cohesive and Strong Communities Theme Debate Introduced by: Diane Rutter – Community Impact Bucks
Sustainable Community Strategy – Cohesive and Strong Communities Cohesive and Strong Communities Theme Four groupings of outcomes: Sustain and grow a thriving voluntary and community sector Increase the confidence of communities Help all communities get on well together Reduce levels of disadvantage.
Sustainable Community Strategy – Cohesive and Strong Communities Cohesive and Strong Communities Theme Debate: Supporting Communities to help themselves.
Sustainable Community Strategy – Cohesive and Strong Communities The Big Society - introduction: A Government Agenda to shift power from politicians to people Aims to devolve power to communities and local government A greater role in public services for voluntary and community organisations Support for the voluntary and community sector.
Sustainable Community Strategy – Cohesive and Strong Communities The Big Society – the Vision: 2020 public services help us to achieve - for ourselves and each other – things that we value and cannot achieve on our own. They help us become the people we want to be, living in a society we want to be part of. 2020 public services put us in control of our own lives. They make us more secure today and more confident about tomorrow, encouraging us to take responsibility for ourselves and for others.
Sustainable Community Strategy – Cohesive and Strong Communities The Big Society – how will it happen? Public service reform Empowering local communities to come together to address local issues Culture change to support the work of neighbourhood groups, charities and social enterprises.
Sustainable Community Strategy – Cohesive and Strong Communities The Big Society – definition of a community group: A new or existing ‘not for profit’ group, social enterprise, charity Comprised of people from a local area With a named leader to act as a contact and agree to abide by a code of conduct Be publicised on line and through other channels.
Sustainable Community Strategy – Cohesive and Strong Communities The Big Society – Opportunities: Many local people already volunteer, give to charities and voice their concerns through community groups. Community and voluntary organisations already help strengthen links within and between communities. There is a wealth of knowledge amongst volunteers. Voluntary and community organisations can help to ensure that the full range of voices in the community are heard. Some voluntary sector organisations have been at the forefront of opening up data – Charities can use this data to boost campaigns and lobby Government.
Sustainable Community Strategy – Cohesive and Strong Communities The Big Society - challenges: Current levels of “civic activism” are low. Running effective services requires specific skills, commitment and funding, as does using ‘open data’. Participation needs to be inclusive to avoid reinforcing inequalities. Local Authority spending cuts may impact on the funding of voluntary and community organisations. Local strategic relationships may need to be rebuilt or adapted. Localism can mean a lack of consistency. It may be against the ethos of some voluntary and community groups to become involved in delivering public services, or they may fear loss of identity if they do.
Sustainable Community Strategy – Cohesive and Strong Communities Key Issues for South Bucks: Changing Demographics: An aging population Increased migration Difficulties in accessing services Significant numbers of “at risk” groups Retaining the heart of communities – especially during the current recession.
Sustainable Community Strategy – Cohesive and Strong Communities Some examples of what’s happened so far: An anti-racist diversity and anti-racism project “in the mix” took place in Iver village during Volunteer Workout project - 17 charities, 4 schools and 2 sports clubs involved. “Good Neighbour Scheme” innovation fund bid submitted. Think! Burnham initiatives.
Sustainable Community Strategy – Cohesive and Strong Communities Supporting communities to help themselves, consider: What does the “Big Society” mean to South Bucks? How can we deepen engagement so as to inspire people to come forward and get involved? How can partnership working make this happen?
Sustainable Community Strategy – Cohesive and Strong Communities Cohesive and Strong Communities Theme Debate – Supporting communities to help themselves: Please discuss: What can be done to deliver this outcome? What can each partner organisation commit to, to really make a difference? What actions can each partner take forward?